Goodbye, Town

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This town

Will always be at the center of my heart

At the core of my memories and nostalgia

But the time has come

For me to say goodbye to this town

It's surreal

After years and years

Of wanting to leave



To leave

And never look back

And for the day to come to say goodbye

It doesn't seem real

Doesn't seem permanent

I know I'll be back

Whether weeks or months or decades from now

I'll be back

But that doesn't matter right now

Right now I say goodbye

To the town

But not to the people

It's time for me to leave

Without a trace

Will they miss me

Will they mourn this loss

Or will they celebrate

The departure of the girl who never fit in

The girl who broke the norm and made them fuss

Will they breathe a sigh of relief

Once I've said my goodbyes

And left this town behind?

Leaving Behind the Endless Fields of Corn and SoybeansWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu