Seven Days...Completed!

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Wow...this feels almost so surreal.

I want to thank you all for all the support I have received over the last couple of months, I have read ALL comments and I just want to let you guys know that it never ceases to make me smile.

I love how everyone has supported me on this journey of mine and I'm so grateful that we have managed to come this far. Even though my writing isn't perfect and we've had a couple of bumps on the way, I'm so grateful for all of you for staying and watch Dante's and Khristina's journey grow!

Once again, thank you all for the opportunities, the love and the pain and for the last time on this book...see you next time my babies!

FYI, I'm not quite sure if anyone noticed but K & D named their baby after Dante's dead friend. I know, so fucking cute.

But anyway!

See you all next time...whenever it may be :)

There's only one happiness in this life

to love,

and to be loved.

And she showed me that.

~ Signing out, Chantal.

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