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"We will discuss this tomorrow, for now, rest." Yuta told Jeno as they reached his house, "I'll drop Lucas and go back to my place."

Jeno nodded, closing the car door as he gave them a final bow before watching them zoom past into the empty street, leaving him alone in the night.

It was obviously past one in the early morning, the humid sky above him feeling like moss due to the sultry and greenish-blue nature it presented.

His senses were wide awake, not in the mood to silently rest. Even though he was told to rest, he knew that it was not going to be an easy task with how his heart was hammering so loudly in his rib cage.

No sleep will find him tonight.

Not after all that he had seen and felt in the span of an hour.

Turning around with a sigh, he walked past the main gate, giving the front guard a small nod. From his side view, he could see the array of cars that Yuta must have placed here since it was free parking space and his fingers itched to open them, start the engine and leave this damn place.

But he knew he couldn't do that, not with the risk of Yuta having the cars being traced to find his location. Just then, a servant came running towards him, "Oh, Sir!" He panted, "You're here! I have your room and bath prepared, please step in."

Jeno gave an incoherent sound, gesturing the man to show the way. The other must have noticed his unease for he halted right in front of him, tilting his head, "Sir, do you perhaps needs a slight break from this?"

Jeno looked at him disbelief, not sure whether he was to nod or not. The servant smiled, "Sir Yuta did say to always make sure you rest but he also told us to give you some personal time." He pulled his sleeves back, "Follow me Sir, I'll take you to a place."

As they ran quietly through the front garden, he whispered, "Don't tell this to anyone, Sir. The main head maid will be mad at me if she gets to know I have helped you go out." He reached to a spot in the wall, "Go through this crack, Sir. You will reach the outside road easily."

The brunette could not believe his luck. With a loose smile, he thanked him silently, "God, thank you." He beamed at his words, "Of course, Sir. Anything for you, I assure you that you can always trust me." He bent down to remove a few vines away.

"I am your body-guard after all."

Jeno looked back, "Excuse me?" He questioned to which the man just smiled, "Your body guard, Sir. Our family has always been working with yours." He confirmed brightly, "It's okay to be surprised, we only met today."

Jeno didn't know what to even say. This man in front of him was as lean as a pole with a frame small enough to fit in a kitchen cabinet, so much more tinier than Jeno. To be honest, he looked like he would fly away if someone put a hairdryer in his way.

He was even more surprised when the man also bent down to follow him, slipping into the crack in the wall, "Whoa, whoa, what are you doing?" Jeno asked him to which the man blinked as though he was asked the most stupidest question.

"I am, of course, following you to wherever you're going." He replied. Now that they were closer, Jeno could see his features even more clearly. They were clear and strong, shaped perfectly enough to show that he was still very young while his hair was dual toned with black and white.

"How old are you?" Jeno asked to which he answered, "21, same as you, Sir." The man beamed, "My name is Huang Renjun, 21 years old, Chinese." He informed, "It is a pleasure to work for you, Sir!"

Jeno turned away, cursing this Renjun fellow for following him. It was clear that if anything went wrong, Yuta could easily milk all information from this dude. "Let's go then, Renjun." He said quietly.

Renjun then laughed, a small giggle that made Jeno look at him, "You do not trust me, Sir. I may not be in the position to you persuade to trust me but I can tell you one thing, even though Sir Nakamoto put me in this position, my loyalties lie only with you, Sir."

Jeno raised his eyebrow, "Is that so, Renjun?" He paused before asking, "Then if I was planning to kill everyone here, would you not run along to the Nakamotos and run your run mouth freely?" He said rudely, not even sparing him a glance.

"I would still shut my mouth, Sir."

Jeno looked at him in the eye, surprised to see how ferociously his gaze was, "I, Huang Renjun, would never betray you. I serve your family with a purpose, if you wish to ruin anything, including your very own family, I will support you."

Not a hint of tremor, there was so stutter in his words and clearly none in his thoughts. This kind of loyalty, a hard built rock that may be forced into ash, but never cease to exist, was rare and Jeno was more than happy to find it so fast within these walls.

He smiled at Renjun, "I see," He gestured the other to follow him, "Then I will expect this loyalty everywhere, especially with what that I will show you soon in later days." Renjun beamed, very sinister to everyone but to him, "Of course, Sir."

And like that, the god and his newly found armour, went into the dark road.


Jeno soon found himself in a bar with Renjun by his side.

God knows what possessed him but right now, he felt like he would die if he did not drown himself alcohol. "I don't even have the habit of drinking." He murmured to himself as he down the shimmering liquid into his throat.

Renjun guffawed, "For your first time, you drink like a well experienced drunkard, Sir." The sarcasm was something new for Jeno, so he accepted it easily. After all, they were the same age and he did desperately need someone to not sugar coat their words all the time.

"Get lost." He put his head to the table, "Go drink something yourself." The dual toned one shook his head, "I don't have the habit to drink, also, you will need someone to drag you back home, Sir."

Jeno gave a disgruntled sound, "Then go and dance with some girls or something, Just stop staring at me." Renjun contemplated the idea for a while and then looked back at Jeno with a smirk, "I will listen to you, Sir." He said as he dashed off to some girls in short dresses.

"Whore." The drunk Jeno groaned.

He turned to the bartender, "One more shot, this time on the ice." He ordered like an experienced veteran, sipping that harsh liquid slowly as it burned against his throat coldly, frizzing him completely.

He was getting used to the loud beats, the crazy screech of all the party lovers that surrounded him. The bar was comparatively quieter, but definitely more brighter with the multi-coloured lights falling from right above his head.

The lights mingled with his drink, their non volatile nature making the colours stand brightly upon the frothy bubbles, the cold glass shiny with the condensation that covered it. He watched it from the corner of his eye, trying stupidly to count the bubbles.

"One..." He huffed, "Two....three..does six come after three.."He tried to use all of his high mathematics skills. "I remeber the discriminant formula but not the numbers?" He asked himself slowly, counting on his fingers, "One..two...five?"

"You're so drunk, I want to cry."

And then a laugh,Jeno turned his head to see what idiot was so mannerless to just randomly comment on somebody else. his eyes squinted to get better view.

And a better view he did get.

One with none other than the Na Jaemin standing in front of him all dressed up with smirk on his face. Jeno blinked multiple times, trying to fully digest the fact that Jaemin was actually leaning towards his face, his breath on his skin,

"Lee Jeno, nice to meet you."


How does NASA organize their parties?

They plan-et

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