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Underneath the dawning sky, a still mansion stood at the centre of vast gardens, the coal black skin of the snaked asura sealing the doors.

The chimes of the temple bells resonated in the wind, tumbling down the frozen stems of the windswept pines. The stone paths that decorated the ground shimmered under the accumulated frost.

The morning mantras of Hindu prayers floated through air, being ruptured only by the pair of feet  that made its way on the path, gently caressing them. The coat that hung above the feet swayed in the morning wind, giving it an illusion like that of black water.

The dark black outfit rested gently on the pedestrian, or in this case, the heir to the Vritra residency. He held a charming aura, with eyes like spring water and cheekbones moulded with a precision that was natural, like art.

He approached main door, stepping into the inner house diligently from the row of bowing men when a servant cleared the way for him. Discarding his shoes near the threshold, he made his way to the living room.

Lee Jeno finally returned after 11 years.

He held his head high, walking through the corridors just how he did before his mother died. Only this time, there was nothing childish about him, there was nothing of the curiosity or the blatant innocence.

There was only anger.

He knew that all those servants with getting hair knew of his pathetic condition before, that they knew of his fate to downbring the family.

But they didn't dare to shun away from him. Not when he came as the heir, the new master and one who would own everything else on this land soon.

A frail old women reached towards Jeno, her walk lousy, "Young Master, is it really you?" She asked as she looked at him, "Is the bloodline truly not dead?"

Jeno looked down at the old woman, trying his best not to let the hate for the people of this household to overtake him, "I am alive and breathing. And I'm back to take my place."

The old woman looked at him in the eye, her crinkled features forming a smile, "After all these years, you are still alive Young Master." A note of curiosity peaking in her voice.

Jeno knew that though she didn't show it, it was clear that no one here truly trusted his originality. So he had to regard that, "You doubt me, don't you?"

The old woman took a step back, not sure what to say, "I..Sir, can you blame me for doubting?" She hesitated, "Apologies, Sir. But you were declared as dead by your father himself."

Oh, how he wanted to slap the woman.

How could she doubt him when he spent years suffering in this hellhole? How could she dare to doubt him when he suffered his father's stupidity in his most tender years?

"Keep doubting me one more time, and I will have you tongue cut off." He didn't hesitate to say, sounding exactly like his father, the very man he hated and didn't want to replicate.

The woman's eyes were wide open and she took a step back, as though afraid of what Jeno might do to her in a fury, and annoyingly, she looked a bit more convinced now after seeing her initial master's arrogant traits on Lee Jeno.

"Yes master." She bowed, "Forgive this fool's curiosity. I am glad you were alive all along, though I suppose you're life must have been very terrible outside."

But it was better than here.

He looked around the entire area, the hall lacking in nothing but the ever constant glory and splendour, "We need to fix the hall, it's pathetic."

The maid hesitated, getting a sharp glare from Jeno, "So this is no longer my house?" He asked, the woman again panicking as she shook her head, "Of course this is your house! They are to care for it only till an heir arrives."

Jeno cleared his throat, really not letting this woman get any closer to him, "Anyway, tell whoever that is taking care of this house that I have arrived. I must meet them."

Jeno raised his eyebrow, "Who is this family anyway?" The woman opened her mouth to answer when a young boy of around 15 years entered the room, "You leave, there is no need for maids here."

Who was this child?

Everything about him screamed arrogance, his age at around fifteen at the minimum. His features were strong enough, but it was not hard to notice the unsharpened feel.

The boy gestured for the woman to leave, showing no ounce of respect to her. True, Jeno did behave like an asshole with her, but he was a legal adult while this boy was a child.

Has no one ever taught him manners?

The boy looked at Jeno with vivid interest, his eyes lingering on his face for longer than a normal glance should, "We are your cousins, your father and ours were first cousins"

He then indicated for the other to sit down, "Sit down, cousin Jeno, Elder brother will arrive in a minute, we ask for your patience till then." The boy spoke.

Hmm, maybe he was not that ill trained.

Jeno nodded, looking around at all the familiar features he once used to look at with so much admiration and love, the place he once held love for.

The wondrous details on the walls, the open roof that gave way for everything the sky had to offer, from the sunshine to the rain.

The delicate metal works and artistry that decorated the walls, the fine linen curtains that flowed along with the rush of the air, the sounds of the bells that hung at the front of the house.

The boy on the other side kept looking at him in keen to interest, almost squeaking when Jeno looked at him with his eyes raised.

"Ah," He scratched his head, "Forgive me, it's just that we all thought that you were dead, so I'm just a bit curious as to how you..." He hesitated, "Came back to life?"

Was this child an idiot?

Jeno shook his head as he decided to tolerate him, "I never died. I just left the house because of some issues." He said to which the boy nodded.

He then looked a bit troubled as he asked the next question, "You are real, aren't you?" Jeno wanted to roll his eyes, "Of course I am, what else do you think?"

The boy just shook his head, the other wanting to hit himself. He came here on a mission, not sit and talk with a teenager who probably has no idea how intense this situation is.

Jeno asked him directly this time, "What is your name anyway?" The boy opened his mouth to answer when another voice from the curtains answered it, "Nakamoto Ni-ki."

The man stepped in front of him, his very aura that of startling splendour. His chiseled features with pale white hair and the brilliant way he carried himself all made him seem like those belonging to the Heavenly Courts.

At his arrival, the boy, Ni-ki, got up and moved to let his brother sit down, "Brother, Jeno Lee is here." The man didn't spare him a glance as he literally floated to the ground, his limbs making no sound.

The man then looked at his younger brother, "Go to your chambers, we need to talk. Also, tell the maids to get some tea for us." The boy nodded frantically as he shot off to god knows where.

The man then looked at Jeno with his knife like eyes, dissecting his brain to find anything that would not please him, watching him without missing a single detail. He gave a practised smile, "What a surprise, Cousin."

"I am Nakamoto Yuta, nice to meet you."

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