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With a resounding thump, the corpse fell in the canyon.

Jaemin stood at the edge of the cliff, looking up at the sky as it poured down on him relentlessly. "Bloody weather." He complained gruffly.

The dust was being pressed onto the ground by the rain to release its warm scent, the greedy around him trying to grasp the jewel raindrops, only to shiver and whine in the wind as they watched them fall to the ground onto the soil.

The blood from the man was still caked onto his hand in a disappearing brown, but he didn't bother much for he knew that no one around him really cared for a lonely guy walking the rain.

The sky was still moist, the brine-like Sea breeze from the nearby coast mixing oddly with the pure drizzle as he stood still while looking down at the dead man.

Without hands or legs, he looked like an unusual pile of dog shit, the disgruntling humour only being understood by Jaemin, a man who had seen far too many scenes like this.

He turned on his heels and headed to the lowly suburbs of the poor. It was probably past 12, considering the fact that the 24/7 shops were the only things sitting flashily against the dark sky.

He walked on the lonely footpath, water squelching every time he stepped onto a pool of it. He wiped of the lousy sweat drops that decorated his forehead, and in that moment he heard a sound.

A person, laughing and talking to himself.

He immediately stiffened up, his senses falling into focus. He continued to walk, trying not seem suspicious to who ever that was walking towards him.

Underneath the blinkering streetlight, a boy came into his view, his hair in all directions and a box in his hand. He walked strangely, as though limping on one of his leg. It was as if he would fall onto the ground any sooner.

And just as he thought, the boy tripped on a slippery part of the footpath, landing roughly onto the wet ground. Water splashed out, swimming over all the contents that had spilled out from the box.

The cardboard soaked up the remnant water that remained stagnant, the plastic wrappers falling down. The boy stooped down like a hawk, his quick hands picking them all in a frenzy.

"Oh god, no." Jaemin heard the other say, his words spoken with a desperation that was far too familiar for him. "Don't do this to me, lord." The boy huffed out as he pulled out a few packets from the grimy edges of the path.

Jaemin walked closer, leaning down to help the boy pick up all of his items.He didn't know what came over him, but he felt like he was somewhat obliged to help this boy just this once.

Maybe it was pity on the person, or maybe it was how he mirrored Jaemin's life before he joined NCT. Either way, he did manage to stuff most of his belongings into the old cardboard box.

It was then that he saw the other's face.

In the dark, only one side of his face was illuminated by the reflecting rain water. One side of his nose bridge stood out, it's structure refined, his cheekbones laid high. Jaemin couldn't manage to watch the remaining features perfectly, but he could never forget those gleaming eyes.

Those eyes that blazed like lightning even in the darkest hour. Those eyes that glowed silver despite being the most common colour of brown.

The eyes that held all the light of the night.

"Thank you." The boy muttered, his mouth curling up at the corners. He looked up to see Jaehyun's face and then trailed to last ramen packet he was being given.

When the boy saw Jaemin's hand that still had some blood to it, Jaemin was sure that he was about to panic or scream. Maybe even call for the police, dial for help.

But instead, he just looked at it dully, tilting his head to get a better view of how and why the blood came to his skin despite the evident lack of injuries. Then he pulled something out from his pocket.

A single handkerchief was given to him.

Jaemin felt his breath pause for a second, time going slowly around him. It was as though the world stopped spinning on its axis for just this one moment.

It felt like every thing was void at this second, including time. So Jaemin wasn't sure what reality he was in with the boy.

And then with just a small nod, the boy left, leaving the other with an urge to turn around to look at him again, to maybe follow him to where the boy lived. But he abstained, knowing that he shouldn't care about such things.

He looked at the old handkerchief that was faded with the overuse of bleach, its cotton strands fraying. He wiped the blood with it, trying his best to ignore the boy's eyes that were playing at the back of his head.

Those eyes were shingling brightly, the reason as to how they could be doing so was clear to Jaemin. After all, he wasn't completely oblivious to the dark bruises and red cuts on the other's skin.

The boy was crying.

He was crying when he gave the handkerchief to him, was smothered with wounds as he worried about the blood on Jaemin's hand while he himself was limping.

The boy was crying, that he understood.

He only didn't understand why it bothered him so much.


I'm literally lagging by two chapters in social studies.

My teacher's about to virtually beat the shit out of me.

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