Chapter 47 - Stars

Start from the beginning

"I'll be ok-" I was cut off from the pain, my heart pounding. 

"It's alright, I can go get him and we'll get you home." I decided not to fight him on it, knowing that if I didn't accept the help that we'd be here for hours. "Just stay right here, okay?"

"I feel lightheaded," I got out, everything seeming fuzzy.

"I'll help you to the ground so you can lay down while you wait, how does that sound?" I nodded, everything feeling far away. "Okay, I'm gonna pick you up here and set you down," Jack did as he said, setting me down as gently as he could. "I'll be right back, stay right here and don't get up." 

As I laid there I could only hope they'd be back soon, hating the fact that I was all alone. I tried as hard as I could to stay awake, not wanting to pass out and worry Jack further. Time passed slowly, my heart only pounding harder. The moment I heard the doors open, I couldn't fight it off anymore, finally passing out.

I woke up in the penthouse, Jack and Race both there. They hadn't noticed I had woken up, so I closed my eyes again so I didn't interrupt them. 

"It's alright," Race said, whispering.

"I know, but you know how I get," Jack's voice was shaky, and it was clear he had been crying.

"Just keep reminding yourself that you're doing great," Race assured him, confusing me.

"I just wish there was more I could do, ya know?" Jack said, and I realized what they were talking about. "I know there isn't a lot that I can do, but I wish I could make him stop hurting right away."

"You're doing great. Trust me." The two went quiet for a moment, likely looking at me. "I think you should let him sell if he wants to. Staying up here will just make things worse."

"I thought so, too," Jack whispered, sighing. "You can go get ready, the bell will ring soon." Race went down the ladder without another word, leaving Jack and I. Jack nudged me a little, trying to wake me. "Hey, Crutch," he kept whispering, not wanting to scare me. "The bell's gonna ring soon." I slowly opened my eyes and looked at him, rubbing my eyes. "Do you remember what happened?"

"Mhm," I said, nodding. "Sorry for makin' you stop painting," I mumbled, sitting up.

"Don't be, it's not your fault whatsoever. Plus, I was done anyways." He smiled at me, kissing me on the top of the head. "You want to sell?" I nodded, fixing my hair a bit. "I'll get you some clothes. Just rest." He got up and did as he said, handing me one of his shirts, just like he had been for the past couple days.

The morning went on as usual, besides Romeo joining us. He had been staying away from us since he had hit me, which I definitely didn't mind. As we grew closer to the front of the line for our papes, my heart began to pound, nervous about Oscar saying something. 

"Morning, Weisel," I said with a smile, handing him my money.

"Morning Crutchie," he smiled back, counting my coins. I moved down to take my papes from Oscar, getting even more nervous. To my surprise, he said nothing, and I thought I was in the clear as I walked over to Jack.

"Still can't hide that disgusting leg, huh?" He spat, my heart dropping. I ignored him, heading over to Jack. He had heard Oscar, though, and it was clear he was furious.

"You're the scum of the earth, ya know that?" Jack said, making me tense up further. 

"Jack, stop," I whispered, wanting to forget everything. 

"The hell did you just say to me, Kelly?" Oscar walked away from his spot, heading over to us. Morris took over for him, not saying a word.

"You heard me," Jack grew angrier yet, ignoring what I had said.

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