Chapter 2 - Embarrassed

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Criticism spot! :)

I'm currently in Grease atm (I'm ensemble/Teen Angel :D), so I've been a bit busy, which is why this chapter is shorter. I usually wouldn't publish one this short anymore, but I want to get a second chapter out to you guys.

Crutchie's POV

I woke up from the bell ringing, jumping a little as it did so. I then sat up and rubbed my eyes, stretching a bit and looking over at Jack, seeing he was awake now as well.

"Morning," he said with a smile, standing up.

"Morning," I still spoke quietly to him, not wanting to ruin the friendship we had begun to build.

I had been here for a few days now, and Jack started to call me 'Crutchie,' for obvious reasons. I thought I'd hate the nickname, but I actually adore it, and smiled every time he said it. My foot was healing visually, but it was still just as painful as the day I had gotten here, so Jack wouldn't let me sell newspapers yet, as he insisted on me not putting any sort of pressure on my foot. 

"I take it I'm not allowed to sell?" I asked with a smile, making Jack smile as well.

"Not yet," he said as he put his vest on, grabbing his cap. "The fellas are excited to meet you, though," he looked at me now, about to leave for the day.

"Oh?" Was all I could say back, feeling myself begin to grow nervous.

"Yeah, they're always excited when new kids join us," he began to climb down the ladder, looking at me one last time before disappearing, still smiling. "See ya later!"

I sat there for a few minutes after he had gone, thinking about what he had said. I started to feel guilty, knowing that whoever he was talking about would be quite disappointed when they met me. 

I spent the day the same way I'd spent the last couple, just sitting around, sleeping now and then as I waited for Jack to be done selling. Finally, after what felt like forever, the ladder shook, and Jack soon appeared at the top.

"Hey, how would you feel about playing poker with some of the fellas tonight?" He asked immediately, catching me totally off guard.

"I- uhm," I hesitated, looking down. "I dunno," was all I could bring myself to say, not wanting Jack to hear my shaky voice.

"You ain't gotta talk much, I promise," he said, smiling as I looked back at him. Something about him made me smile the moment I saw his face, and I couldn't bring myself to refuse.

"Alright," I said, and his smile grew bigger.

"Great! We can eat quick and we'll go," he sat down across from me, handing me some food.

As we walked to what Jack called the 'lodging house,' I kept getting more and more nervous with every step. When we reached it Jack opened the door, motioning for me to go inside. I went in and saw two boys sitting at a table, smiling at me as I entered.

"Hey!" Jack started, closing the door behind him. "So, this is Crutchie," he said as he motioned to me, and I kept my eyes on the ground, trying to smile back at the two boys. "Crutchie, this is Romeo, and that's Race." He pointed to each of them, walking over to the table and sitting down. I followed without a word, feeling on edge.

"Do you know how to play poker?" Race asked me, still smiling.

"Yeah," I mumbled, seeming to surprise the two by how quiet I was.

"Loosen up kid, we don't bite," Romeo joked from beside me, making everyone laugh, including myself. 

Just as Jack had said, I didn't have to talk much throughout the night, which was perfect for me. I just enjoyed being included with the three, unable to stop smiling as we played, and laughing when they teased one another. As Jack and I got ready to sleep, rather than laying down he only sat, looking at me.

A Different PathOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz