Chapter 32 - Always Drama

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Criticism spot! :)

I didn't want to split this chapter into two parts, so it's a longer one this time! :)

Crutchie's POV

Just as I predicted, I was unable to sleep through the entire night from how bad I was hurting. Jack smiled at me as he woke up, and I managed to smile back. He then sighed, clearly able to tell that I hadn't slept. 

"We've gotta change that wrap," he said, wishing he didn't have to break that to me. 

"I know," I mumbled, looking away from Jack.

"I'll go get Race, okay?" I nodded, backing away so he could get up.

I tried to prepare myself as best I could before the two got back, and I just  laid there while I waited. Once the ladder shook I sat up, taking a deep, shaky breath. Jack sat down next to me as Race got ready, but Race hesitated for a moment, looking at me.

"Is it feeling any better?" He asked, and I shook my head. 

"C'mere," Jack said, and I leaned back so I was resting on him, my head on his chest. "Just relax, it'll be over before you know it." I looked up at him, seeing him smile. 

"I don't want to do this," I mumbled, already beginning to cry.

"It'll be quick, just look at me." He continued smiling, trying to calm me down.

"Ready?" Race said, immediately making me look at both him and my foot, terrified.

"Hey," Jack gently put his hand on the side of my face, causing me to look at him again. "Look at me. That's all you need to do right now." 

"Just nod when you're ready, I won't do anythin' til you nod," Race said, and I took a deep breath, nodding just seconds later. As always, it didn't cause too much pain for the wrap to be taken off, so I only grew very, very nervous once I could feel that he had finished, waiting to feel horrific pain at any second. Finally it happened, and I shut my eyes tightly and buried my face in Jack's shirt, crying. 

"Just a few more seconds," Jack said, his arms wrapped around me. After what felt like hours I was able to tell Race was done, and he left down the ladder so the two of us were alone. 

"We can get ready, I just needed a second," I got up off of Jack now, wiping my face.

"I don't know if you should sell," he said, still not hiding his worry.

"I'll make sure to keep my foot off the ground, it'll be okay," I tried my best to convince him, and to my surprise, it worked. He got up after a moment, grabbing some clothes for me before getting ready himself.

Just like yesterday, Race and Jack didn't question me being quiet, as they knew the exact reason I was doing so. I kept quiet the entire time, but today I was actually able to listen to what they were talking about instead of tuning them out. As we stood in line, a small wave of pain came over me, making me tense up for just a moment until it passed. Romeo noticed, looking at me.

"You alright?" He asked, immediately causing Jack to look at me.

"Mhm, just couldn't sleep last night so I'm real tired," I answered, quickly noticing that Oscar was listening in on our conversation.

"Your foot doin' any better?" He continued, only making Oscar try harder to hear us.

"A little, still hurting pretty bad, though," despite my instincts telling me to shut down, I fought off my own thoughts, not allowing Oscar to upset me.

"So, you ain't gonna tell us the weather for a while?" Romeo joked, making everybody nearby laugh, including myself.

"You're on your own," I smiled, getting ready to get my papes as Jack had just gone up. I walked up to Weisel with a smile still on my face, handing him my money. "Morning Mr. Weisel," I said, making him smile back at me.

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