Chapter 21 - Resting

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Criticism spot! :)

This chapter is LONG! Just a forewarning!

Crutchie's POV

I was woken up by the bell ringing, immediately feeling pain shoot through my entire body. I looked around the room, realizing I was back in the spare bedroom. I didn't move one bit, as I knew how bad it would hurt me. The door then opened, and Race came through the door holding a bucket. He smiled at me when he noticed I was awake, quickly coming to my bedside.

"Hey! How're you doing?" He asked, kneeling beside me.

"Bad," was all I said, my voice scratchy. "What're you doing?" I looked at the bucket and back to Race, confused.

"I was gonna clean the gashes on your back, I've been doin' that every morning and night since you've been out," he explained, still smiling.

"How long have I been asleep for?" Race looked away as he thought, grabbing a nearby rag and dipping it in the water.

"Two days I think, so you've gotta eat," he then walked behind me, hesitating. "Since you're awake, do you want to sit up when I do this? I dunno if it'll make it more comfortable for you or not," Race came back into view, and I nodded.

"Sure," I tried to push myself up, realizing that I had also gotten struck on the arms a little, causing even more pain to shoot through my arms. Race quickly helped me up, as not only was I in pain, I was weak after not eating for two days. "Thanks," I smiled at him best I could, and he smiled back.

"No problem," he said, sitting down on the bed behind me. "This'll probably hurt, so I'm sorry," he warned, and I got ready. He then lifted my shirt and touched the cool rag against my back, and I clenched my fists tightly. It felt as though my back was on fire, the water that dripped down my back slowly only making it worse. "I'm just about done, hold in there," he said, and I soon no longer felt him moving the rag across me. "I'll just dry your back and I'll be done," I then felt a dry rag being rubbed on me, making me feel worse yet. Before I knew it, though, he pulled my shirt back down, getting off the bed. "There, done."

"Thanks," I said through gritted teeth, waiting for the pain to lessen.

"No need to thank me," Race picked up the bucket from the ground, heading for the door. "I'm gonna go get you somethin' to eat, I'll be right back." Race had nearly closed the door when I suddenly wanted Jack, feeling worried about where he might be.

"Where's Jack?" I asked, and Race opened the door back up.

"He's sending everyone out, I was gonna get him," he smiled, and I looked down.

"Does everyone know?" I asked, Race nodding.

"But they don't care," Race said, making me look up at him.


"Those three kids were the only ones who cared, and we kicked 'em outta here. Everything is back to normal. Now, lay back down. You need to rest." He said, closing the door quietly. I sat there for a moment, stunned, but soon forgetting about it as a harsh wave of pain came over me. I laid back down as Race had instructed, beginning to drift off.

I must've managed to fall asleep, as I was scared by the door opening, Race coming in with a small piece of bread. He handed it to me and sat down on the bed, likely wanting to make sure I ate.

"Where's Jack?" I asked again, slowly starting to eat.

"He's on his way, he hadn't sent them out to sell yet." Race then looked me up and down, upset. "Are you in a lot of pain?" He asked, and I nodded.

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