Chapter 16 - Broken

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Criticism spot! :)

Crutchie's POV

I smiled while watching the sunrise light up Jack's face, feeling as though I could stay in this moment forever. Eventually, though, the bell rang and woke him, and he smiled back at me. 

"You been awake for long?" He asked, his voice scratchy.

"No," I rubbed my eyes, yawning.

"Did you sleep through the entire night?" Jack then asked, making me confused.

"Yeah, why?" I said, and his smile grew.

"That's the first time in over a week," he then pushed my hair from my face, and I felt my smile grow, too.

It had been a week or so since Romeo had been a total ass to me, and I decided I'd just act like it didn't happen in order to not cause any drama. Unfortunately, though, what he said had caused me to have more nightmares that were far more intense than usual, and I had been barely sleeping at all.

We got ready and went to the square as usual, and Jack didn't make me wrap my foot finally, as he had been for almost two weeks now. I was finding it oddly tiring to walk today, though, making me go slower. 

"You alright?" Jack asked, looking at me.

"Uh-huh," was all I said, smiling. 

"You sure...?" He pushed, and I nodded.

"It's just tiring sometimes is all," I got out, smiling at him a second time.

"We can stop if you need to," he offered, but I shook my head.

"No, I'm okay." I insisted, looking forward again. Jack dropped it at that, going silent.

While standing in line I took the opportunity to rest, listening to the others talk around me. Jack would glance at me now and then, seeing if I was alright. I had begun to ignore it, wishing he'd just trust that I was okay. Thankfully, he stopped, and we went to sell as normal.

After Jack and I had separated I saw a couple of fellas I recognized from the lodging house, but I didn't know their names, as I wasn't so good at remembering them. As they grew closer I recognized two of them as the ones who had been real awful to me during that one game night, but I didn't know the third. They stopped me once they got close enough, my heart pounding. 

"Hey, can we ask you a question?" One of them said, and I felt my chest tighten.

"Sure," I managed to say, trying to sound friendly rather than scared.

"How come just 'cause you got some bum leg you get to have everythin' handed to you?" He spat, and I tensed up further.

"I don't get everything handed to me," I managed to get out, choking up a bit.

"Hah, sure, kid." The second of them said, patting me on the shoulder. As they began to walk away I suddenly felt confident, taking a deep breath.

"How come you guys think you can be assholes to me?" I said, turning around to face them again.

"The fuck did you just say?" The first one grew louder, walking back up to me. 

"I work just as hard, if not harder than you lazy kids," I said back, unsure of what I was doing.

"You better take that back right now, crip," he spat, now only inches from my face.

"I won't take back the truth," right when I finished talking he swung at me, hitting me square in the face. I somehow didn't fall down, though, so I used my crutch to hit him back a few times, landing some good ones.

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