Chapter 12 - Name Calling

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Criticism spot! :)

~ Time skip of two weeks

Crutchie's POV

I stretched after the bell rang, settling back down after I did so and keeping myself close to Jack. He laughed a little as I shifted closer, beginning to run his fingers through my hair in order to fix it.

"We gotta get up," he whispered, and I shook my head, acting like a stubborn child. "C'mon," he continued, but I just shook my head a second time.

"Uh-uh," Jack laughed once again, unmoving.

"Fine. Just a few more minutes." I smiled a bit, happy I had gotten my way.

The minutes went by quickly and before I knew it Jack shifted and moved me a bit, likely thinking I was asleep. I looked up at him and smiled, and we both began to get ready.

As usual, fellas teased the Delancey's while they unlocked the gate, Jack joining in. I stayed quiet as I always did, trying to hide my laughter so I wouldn't become a target. Suddenly, Morris punched Specs right in the face, causing chaos to erupt. Jack quickly jumped in and tried separating everyone, but all this did was earn him a punch in the face as well, knowing him down to the ground. As the others focused on breaking it up, I quickly went to Jack's side, worried.

"Are you okay?" I asked, and I could tell that Jack was pissed. However, instead of being pissed at Morris, it became apparent that he was actually mad at me. 

"Why wouldn't I be?" He said, getting up and adjusting his shirt.

"I was- I was just asking," I stuttered, beginning to feel terrified, worried I'd get beat for talking. 

"I'm the toughest one here, I can take care of myself." Despite him being a few feet away from me, I felt like he was towering over me and I tensed up.

"I just..." I trailed off, not wanting to cry in front of the other fellas.

"Don't be stupid, I'm fine." He adjusted his clothing once more, and I felt like I couldn't breathe.


"Fuck off, I'm fine. Stop bein' so annoying," Jack spat as he walked to get in line. I knew he snapped like that to keep his reputation, but it made me feel sick to my stomach. I froze in place, processing what had just happened. I left the square, heading to the nearest alley and sitting on the ground, sobbing.

"Crutchie?" I heard, and Race soon turned the corner. I tried to calm down, but I couldn't, so I just refused to look at him. "Hey, I ain't gonna judge you. It's alright." He said as he sat down beside me, and I finally looked at him. "What happened?"

"J-Jack called me annoying and stupid," I got out, crying harder as I spoke.

"It was just to protect his image, nothin' about you," Race tried to reassure me, but it didn't work. 

"He'd never talk to me like that, even if it hid his soft side," I noticed I was shaking, continuing to sob.

"Look, you and I are his closest friends. We see what others don't, and since we get to see that, we have to be prepared to see this fake part of him, too." Race spoke quietly, putting his arm around me.

"Crutchie?" Race and I shot up, and Jack quickly appeared in the alley. He walked over to us and fear began to take over me again, and I couldn't move. "Crutch I'm sorry I had to-" 

"Don't," I said, flinching back as he grew closer. Race stood up, exchanging looks with Jack. 

"Don't what?" Jack asked, and I couldn't look at him. He then knelt down, and once again I flinched away. 

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