Chapter 18 - Methods

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Criticism spot! :)

Crutchie's POV

I woke up as the sun began to rise, seeing that I had turned away from Jack in my sleep. I turned back to him and shifted so my forehead was on his chest. I heard him chuckle a little, making me smile. He brushed my hair from my face, and I opened my eyes to look at him. 

"How're you doing?" He asked, and I sighed.

"Better," I continued to smile at him, still tired.

"Your ankle feelin' better?" I nodded, rubbing my eyes. "You think you can walk?"

"Mhm," I stretched a little, closing my eyes again. 

"C'mon, we gotta get ready," Jack said quietly, pushing my hair back again.

"The bell ain't rung yet," I whined, and Jack chuckled some more.

"Alright alright, we can lay down til it rings." He stayed silent for a moment before taking a deep breath, seeming like he was thinking. "You still seem upset about the other night," he then said, referring to how two nights ago I had forgotten who he was for a bit.

"I still feel bad," I mumbled, unable to look him in the eyes anymore.

"There's nothin' to feel bad about," he tried to reassure me, but it didn't work. 

"I just can't believe I didn't know who you or Race was," I only glanced at him, not able to hold eye contact. 

"We talked about why it happened, remember? It's okay," he continued trying to make me feel better, still messing with my hair.

"I know," I kept mumbling, sighing again. "I just want to get better," I said with desperation, looking up at Jack.

"What if we talked to Race and tried some stuff?" Jack offered, but I quickly grew confused.

"Whattya mean?"

"Maybe Race has some tips or methods that could help," he said, smiling kindly.

"I don't know if he'd want to do that," I trailed off, feeling like a burden as I usually do.

"Of course he would," Jack said, the bell ringing right after. "I'll talk to him before we head out to sell and we can try some stuff." Jack then sat up and I followed, getting ready in silence.

I was happy to finally be back to selling, as it was hard to sit around at home all day. I waited patiently for Jack to get home once I had finished, smiling once he showed up.

"Hey! I talked to Race," he began, sitting down next to me. "He said he'd come up here later and talk to us," he smiled at me, taking his cap off. I didn't smile back, though, my heart pounding. "Somethin' wrong?"

"I dunno, I'm just nervous," I said quietly, looking down. 

"It'll be just fine, I promise," he said, and we settled down to eat.

A few hours passed before the ladder shook, Race soon appearing at the top with a smile. He sat down, taking a deep breath.

"Alright, so what I'm thinkin' is we try a few methods and see what works best and helps you the most," he began, facing me. I nodded, twiddling my thumbs. "How about we start by just havin' you talk about stuff?" I sat for a moment, looking at Jack.

"I dunno if you'll want to hear this," I said quietly, and he smiled at me with sympathy.

"If you want me here, I will gladly be here." I smiled back, turning my attention back to Race.

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