Chapter 7 - His Sister

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Criticism spot! :)

Crutchie's POV

I shot awake in the middle of a nightmare, sitting up and wrapping my arms around myself. I wasn't crying or shaking, but I was breathing heavily. I had woken Jack up from my movement, and I stared straight ahead as he rubbed his eyes, sitting up as well.

"Crutch? What's wrong?" He asked, his voice tired.

"Nothing, just a nightmare," I said, feeling him start to rub my back. We had been together for a few weeks now, and were real good at keeping it hidden from everyone.

"What about?" I looked at him as he spoke, sighing. 

"My Dad, that's all," I tried to smile at him so he'd think I was okay, but he didn't fall for it. 

"Do you want to talk about it?" He said as we both laid back down, facing one another. 

"It was just a dream of him hitting me, that's all," I spoke quietly, rubbing my eyes. Jack studied me for a second, and I could tell he was thinking hard. 

"Can I ask you somethin'?" He asked, and I nodded. "I dunno how to put this, since I've never had talks like this til now, but," he took a deep breath, and I smiled to show him it was okay to continue. "Why're you so afraid of your Dad if you're not around him?" I looked away as I thought about it, as it wasn't something that had ever come to mind before. After a few moments I looked back at Jack, not wanting him to think I was upset.

"I think it's because I don't know where he is," I got out, and Jack looked even more confused.

"Whattya mean?" 

"I mean, since I ran away, I dunno if he's still in New York or not, or if he's looking for me, that stuff." He nodded to show he understood, however, it was clear there was still something else on his mind. "Enough about me, are you alright?" I asked, catching him off guard.

"Oh, yeah. I'm alright." He tried to do the same smile I attempted earlier, but just as he did, I didn't fall for it.

"It's clear there's something on your mind," I gently brushed his hair off his forehead, smiling at him with sympathy.

"Well..." He began, clearly troubled. "Tomorrow is the anniversary of my sister's..." He trailed off, no longer able to look at me.

"Jacky, I'm sorry," I said, and he only glanced at me.

"It's okay, it's just a hard day for me." He sighed again, seeming mentally exhausted.

"How can I help?" I asked, and he once again looked confused.


"Right, you're new at this stuff," I teased, making him chuckle. "Well, when you're real close with someone and they're upset, you want to help them feel better in any way that you can. I mean, you do it for me a lot," I explained, and he nodded.

"Right," he began to think again, his eyes looking tired. "I don't really know," his voice started to become shaky as he clearly held back tears, not wanting to seem weak. 

"Maybe we could visit her grave?" He quickly looked at me again, seeming surprised.

"I haven't..." he trailed off once again, and my heart ached for him.

"Have you been there since the funeral?" He shook his head, finding it difficult to hold eye contact for long. "Well, if you think you're ready, then we can go visit her." He smiled a little and kissed me on the forehead, clearly happier than before.

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