Chapter 36 - Hand

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Criticism spot! :)

Crutchie's POV

When I woke up Jack was, yet again, not in bed, his spot cold. I sat up and looked at the nightstand closest to me, seeing a piece of bread with a note. I picked it up, quickly recognizing Jack's messy handwriting.

Race needed me, not sure if I'll be back before it's time to sell, but I'll try. Remember to go easy on yourself, and I finally give you my blessing to try walking with your crutch. I left it against the wall right beside you. You aren't allowed to walk until you eat, though, and I'll know if you do. Don't ask how, I just will. 
If you're reading this, I didn't make it back in time, but I'll see you tonight. I love you.
- Jack

I could help but chuckle at Jack's letter, adoring the jokes he had made. I ate with a smile on my face, noticing how little pain I was feeling, most if it coming from my foot and hand. Once I had finished I took a deep breath, wanting to see if I could walk. I swung my legs off the bed and grabbed my crutch, taking one last breath before pulling myself up and positioning it under my arm as usual. I was shaking a little, but knew that was only because I hadn't had to stand or walk for quite a while. 

I gathered all of my strength and took a few steps, surprising myself by how far I made it. I knew I should turn back, though, not wanting to risk pushing myself too far. I was halfway back to the bed when I had to stop and take a break, shaking worse than I had been when I started. I took a deep, deep breath, beginning to walk again. I only made it a few more steps, however, when I collapsed, catching myself with my hands by instinct. Pain shot through my entire left arm, making me scream out in pain. I turned so my back was resting against the bed while I sat on the floor, trying to ignore the pain. The door flew open suddenly, catching me completely off guard since I thought no one was here. Race ran to my side, worried.

"Are you okay?" He asked, and instead of lying, I shook my head. "What happened?"

"I tried walking, but I fell and tried to catch myself with my hands," I explained, making sure I wasn't starting to panic or anything. "Why're you still here?" I asked, wanting to ignore the pain.

"I forgot something and had to run back here. Do you need help getting back into bed?" He asked, and I shook my head again.

"I'm okay. You can go sell." I said, clearly defeated. He hesitated before standing, knowing that I'd be upset if he decided to help me anyway. He started to walk out of the room when I suddenly thought about Jack, not wanting him to be disappointed in me. "Wait," I said, grabbing Race's attention. "Please don't tell Jack this happened," I pleaded, confusing him.

"Why not?" He walked back over to me, kneeling down.

"I just... I don't want him to know. Please." I begged, but it was clear I wasn't convincing him.

"He should know, Crutchie. Your hand got hurt, that's something we can't hide from him." I could tell he wanted to do as I was asking of him, but deep down I also knew that Jack had to find out.

"Fine," I mumbled, wanting to be alone. Race stood, walking back to the door.

"You sure you don't need help getting back in bed?" He asked one more time, and I nodded, trying my best to smile. "Alright. Get some more rest." 

After he left I got right back into bed, grabbing my journal as I knew I should write about how worried I was that Jack would be disappointed. Before I did, I stopped on the page he had done 'corrections' on, smiling to myself as I read it for the millionth time. As I did I could feel a weight being lifted off my chest, still wanting to write, but changing how I felt about it all. 

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