Chapter 46 - Drinking

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Criticism spot! :)

There will be character(s) acting drunk in this chapter, so I'm saying this right now: if you've either drank yourself (DON'T IF YOURE UNDERAGE AAAA) or have been around others when they're drunk, and what I write isn't like what you've experienced, I ask that you don't comment about it. I'm writing this behavior based on not only how I act when drunk, but also how my friends act. So, while it may not be your experience, it is mine. Thank you! <3

Crutchie's POV

I woke up from the bell as usual, seeing that Jack was already awake. He smiled at me and fixed my hair, making me smile, too. 

"How're you feeling?" He asked, speaking softly.

"I'm still tired," I answered, rubbing my eyes.

"Did you get any sleep?" 

"A little, but I kept waking up because of my foot," he kept playing with my hair while we talked, helping me feel a little better.

"Do you want to take one more day?" He asked, and I shook my head.

"I just want to get back to selling," he smiled a bit more now, sighing.

"But you'll get me if you need anything, right?" I nodded, helping to calm his nerves. "I'll grab some clothes for us," he got out of bed and walked to my side, kissing me on the top of the head. "I just have to grab them from the penthouse. I'll be just a bit," he left the room without another word, no wanting to leave me alone for too long. 

I sat up and brought my foot closer, looking at it. It was clear that it was swollen around the ankle, still hurting horribly. As I stared at it I couldn't help but get angry, getting pissed as always that it'd never get better. Before I could get any angrier, Jack had returned, holding some clothes.  He noticed I had been looking at my foot, so he set the clothes down on the bed and came right to my side.

"You better not be beatin' yourself up," he said with a smile, making me chuckle.

"I'm not, I promise." I smiled back to him, not wanting him to worry.

"Good. Let's get ready," he grabbed his clothes from the pile to change, and I did the same. 

Once we finished changing we went right out to the street, joining Race and Romeo. The moment I looked at Romeo I grew nervous, knowing I'd probably have to walk slower than usual.

"Hey, uh, Romeo," I mumbled, feeling far more nervous than I should. "I'm gonna have to walk kinda slow so if you want to go ahead it's fine," he looked at me for a moment, seeming unsure what to say.

"Why would you say that?" He spat, catching Jack, Race, and myself completely off guard. 

"What..?" I said, confused.

"Did you say that just to make me feel like an asshole?" I tensed up, panicking.

"No not at all-"

"Then why did you say that?" He rose his voice, walking up to me and standing just inches away.

"Romeo he said that because you get upset when he doesn't go your pace," Jack defended, wanting to get him to calm down so I didn't have a panic attack.

"He didn't have to say shit, I'm tired of him always trying to make me feel bad," he got closer to me yet, to the point where I could feel his breath on me.

"Please back up," I pleaded quietly, breaking Jack's heart when he heard the fear in my voice.

"Every time someone gets mad at you, it's always their fault and never yours!" He began to yell now, striking even more terror in me.

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