Chapter 17: Spite!

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"Some would claim that demons are quite charming."

Setsuko scoffed. "I hate you, mom."

Kyoya looked down at her and let out a sigh, "Why must you and the twins insist on referring to me like that?"

"What? You and Suoh already act like a married couple, so it only fits." She shrugged, "Though don't think I haven't seen the way you look at him," Looking up at him Setsuko grinned and poked his chest, "You like him, don't you?"

This time it was Kyoya's turn to be shocked, and by the way he stopped in his tracks she had struck something within him. "No, not anymore."

Setsuko perked up, and she looked Kyoya in the eyes before following his gaze to the setting sun, the ocean reflecting the oranges and purples of the sky. Unrequited love. It was obvious, with the way Tamaki acted towards Haruhi there was no doubt that the idiot liked her even if he wasn't able to realize it himself. "I know that feeling all too well, I liked someone once too, but she didn't return the sentiment, so I decided to move on and find someone better."

"Have you found them, yet?"

"No. But they're out there." She smiled and watched as the sun disappeared beyond the horizon. "And the same goes for you. Just wait, Kyoya, you'll find the perfect guy."


Kyoya finally let her down when they reached the entrance to the villa. 

"I'm going to change out of these clothes before heading to the dining hall." Setsuko said, raising her hand before walking off towards her room.

The first thing Setsuko did when she entered her room was rush to the bathroom and grab a small disposable cup. She dug around in her toiletries bag until she found what she was looking for. Carefully, and slowly she took out her colored contacts, putting them in the case with the contact solution, and lifted the now water filled cup to her eyes and washed out anything that might be harmful to them. She let out a content sigh as the dull pain washed away and she dried her face with a nearby towel.

It didn't take long to peel the wet and sandy clothes off of her before she unzipped the binder. She turned on the shower and placed it in, rinsing out all the sand and saltwater that had soaked into it. If she tried to put it on after rinsing it out, she'd for sure damage it. She'll have to find some other way to hide her chest.

After carefully rinsing off the saltwater and sand from her own body she wrapped herself in a towel and stepped into her room before looking through her bag to see if she had any baggy shirts.

Eventually she found a sports bra, and a short sleeved black button up shirt and a hoodie a few sizes too big. Perfect. She quickly got dressed in the clothes, along with some jeans. Making sure her chest was relatively flat, she decided she was okay to go out and started to head out, until she realized she forgot something. Her contacts . She quickly rushed back to her bathroom and put in a different pair, her eyes once again becoming brown. Now she was ready.

She made her way from her room to the dining room, where everyone had already sat down, the moment she stepped inside she was immediately hit with the tension that was hanging in the air.

"Sorry I'm late." She said as she walked to the table and sat down beside Kyoya.

"Now that Itsu-chan is here, let's dig in." Honey said, trying to remove the cloud of tension. He lifted one of the crabs, "These are the crabs we caught today, I bet they're delicious!"

Haruhi just silently grabbed a crab leg and snapped it open, causing Tamaki to flinch beside her. She took a bite of the meat and nodded before finishing the meat on that leg and moving onto the second. "Wow, these crabs, taste in-crab-ible! Get it?"

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