Chapter 16: SING on a Cliff!

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A week had passed since the Aqua Garden incident, and when Setsuko stepped into the club room during lunch for her usual nap, the last thing she expected to see hundreds of mannequins in bathing suits strewn throughout the club room. She made her way to the back of the mannequins to see the twins pointing out a pink bikini with a ruffled top to Haruhi.

"Pretty cute, dontcha think?" Hikaru asked.

"Not that one!" Honey exclaimed, holding a blue sailor-suit themed swimsuit with a cute, ruffled skirt. "I think that this swimsuit would look much cuter on Haru-chan."

The twins tsked and shook their fingers. "I don't think you get it Honey-senpai." They said.

"Just look, this uniform barely hides the fact that Haruhi's as flat as a cutting board." Hikaru said, motioning towards Haruhis (lack of) chest.

"A one-piece suit like that would only upset her because it draws attention to her lacking feminine physique."

"You guys do know boobs aren't everything, right?" Setsuko asked, raising her eyebrow, only to be ignored by the brothers as they explained why they chose the bikini. Apparently, the ruffles on the top would hide her flat chestedness.

"You punks had better quit sexually harassing my little girl. I've had enough of you!" Tamaki shouted, appearing out of nowhere and somehow 'batting' the twins away as if they were baseballs.

"That mean we're not going to the beach?" The twins asked, now crouching behind the table Haruhi was studying at.

"Who said that we're not going?"

"Really? So you wanna go after all?"

"Can Usa-chan come, too?" Honey asked.

"I have no problem with that." Kyoya said from where he stood in the middle of swimsuits.

Mori just grunted and nodded as he looked at a bikini with seashells on the top.

"Huh, we're really gonna go?" Haruhi asked.

"Why not? Let's go to the beach!" Tamaki exclaimed. "Let's go to the beach on our next free weekend!"

Setsuko sighed; now aware they would be at the beach for a few days. The noise, though, seemed to alert the twins.

"What's with the down face. Don't you want to go to the beach with us?" They asked, appearing in front of her.

"I mean, personally I'm not a fan of the beach, at least not swimming. But that's not it. I just have to convince Ku- my dad to let me go."

"Is he strict or something?" Hikaru asked.

"More like worried about my safety."

"Well, I hope you'll figure something out, Itsuki." Kyoya said, walking up to her with a look that said she'd have to pay if she didn't go on his face.

Setsuko sighed again, this one being more tired than the other. "Yeah, me too."


Surprisingly, it wasn't that hard to convince Kuwata to let Setsuko go on the trip. Apparently Kyoya had called ahead and said something that convinced him that she would be completely safe with them so by the time she asked him about it he was fine with the idea of her going. So, that weekend, Setsuko was driven to the airport where the host club got onto the Ootori's private jet and started a two-and-a-half-hour trip to Okinawa. After the plane ride- which Setsuko slept on- they all got in a limo where they headed off to their destination.

"So... why'd we come to Okinawa?" The twins asked.

"Because Kyoya's family owns a private beach here." Tamaki explained.

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