Nicola nodded and looked back at the living room and so did Ryan.

Now!” screamed Nicola in his mind “Do it now or you will die, we will all die!”

Nicola grunted loudly and pulled his other leg up, Ryan lost balance, he tried to hold Nicola up but the young man leaned against Ryan and with a scream Ryan fell over the floor, Nicola falling over him and over his leg.

Nicola screamed as the pain of the squashed leg between Ryan’s body and his own shot through his body, he closed his eyes as more tears rolled down. He felt Ryan fidget under Nicola’s weight, with one loud scream and a thunder crashing outside, Ryan pushed Nicola away from him with his kicking legs, he was able to kick Nicola on the ribs and then with fury he aimed his legs towards the injured one that belonged to Nicola and kicked him as hard as he could.

Nicola screamed as Ryan’s foot hit his knee and then his thigh, Nicola roared in pain, he heard Junior and Lena rushing behind him and doing hell knows what, but Nicola had only one thing in his mind.

The gun.

Nicola forced his body, with the last thread of energy in him, he rolled towards Ryan and grabbed Ryan’s leg and pulled him towards him. Ryan screamed and kicked, one of his legs hit Nicola right in the face and his hands gave out and his body simply shut down.

Ryan kicked, trying to get Nicola away from him, he felt Nicola let go of him and he pushed himself on fours, he looked around, he had lost the gun.

He heard Lena running, why was everything happening in slow motion? While Ryan thought that the struggle with Nicola had taken minutes, in fact had been seconds and just now were Lena and Junior reaching them as they lay over the floor.

Ryan saw the gun a few feet away from him, just by the entrance of the living room, he grunted and before he pushed himself up to his feet, Lena passed him in a dash towards the gun; Ryan screamed a NO that resonated through the empty house, he threw himself forward and grabbed Lena by the legs, throwing her to the floor.

Lena’s head banged the floor so hard that for a second she couldn’t hear or see anything as she lay over her stomach with her eyes open. She gasped for air, the buzzing in her ears got more intense and the pain in her head was intensified, she felt tears down her eyes and the terror froze her in place.

Ryan grabbed Lena’s legs and pulled her closer to him and as he grabbed her thigh Lena was pulled out of her horror and terror and started to kick and her arms flew forward as she tried to fish the gun and that was when she felt the piercing pain in her leg.

Lena had never thought how much force, anger or adrenaline, one had to put into a bite in order to pierce through skin, but whatever it had been, anger, force, adrenaline or all of them, Ryan had succeeded in penetrating his teeth into the back of Lena’s leg.

Lena didn’t hear the WAM but she did feel Ryan being pushed off her, Ryan didn’t feel the pain of one of his teeth being lost in the process of the kick he got by Junior to his stomach that threw him away from Lena.

Lena scrambled towards the gun as Junior threw himself over Ryan, to keep him away from Lena. Ryan spit out blood from his lost tooth and turned to Junior, he grabbed Junior by the waist and threw him to the floor, the two boys fought and scrambled on the floor, Ryan was screaming nonsenses to Junior as bloody spit flew from his mouth and splatter Junior over the face and over his chest.

“You ruined everything!” screamed Ryan, he twisted his body and landed over Junior, he grabbed the young man by the neck and pressed it hard, Junior gasped and gargled, Nicola’s unconscious body lay next to him. “We could have done this together!” Ryan continued.

Junior felt his face get hot, tears roll down his face and he kept gasping for air as Ryan sat over his chest holding him harder and harder by the neck.

“You could have been mine!” tears rolled down Ryan’s distressed face “You know it could have been us!”

Ryan closed his eyes in agony, but his mind was set and it had won over his heart; he loved Junior but he had betrayed Ryan and now he had to die.

“Let go!” Lena’s voice roared over Ryan’s screams of agony and broken heart.

Ryan turned to look at Lena, his eyes rose in flames of rage and madness and he pressed harder on Junior’s neck; Junior had turned purple, his hands flew around his body trying to get a hold of Ryan, but he couldn’t.

Junior saw Lena by the rear of his eyes holding the gun at Ryan, he took a deep breath and with all the fight that was left in him, he croaked.



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