Episode 13 Remember The Good Times

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As frustrating seems to rise by the appearance of Tristan, Jamie and Blake decide to go on their walk to the desert part of Menagerie which is known for taking wondering  travellers lives because of the dangerous creatures of Grimm but since the defeat of Salem, Grimm attacks are on the low at the moment.

With each step that Jamie and Blake toke it felt like walking on a cloud.

"Do you remember ours parents saying to us, don't go to the desert part of town unless you wanted to become food for the Grimm" Jamie state as he assist Blake up the hill making her giggle in process.

"We're seven at the time, and the Grimm was most common unlike nowadays " Blake reply, as they reach the top of the hill and see a beautiful oasis filled with life,  pretty flowers dancing's in the chilling air,  flying insects hopping cross the water with ease.

As Jamie and Blake look at it couldn't believing theirs eyes by how beautiful it is, until the sun started to set so they decided to go back and call it a night, as Blake gently goes to sleep; Jamie teleport back to his dorm room because he forgotten his headphones, after grabbing them as he was about to teleport back but Yang slowly surfaces from her Nap.

She blinks her eyes and sees Jamie but as she blinks again he disappeared like he wasn't even  there, she questioned herself like what's if it real or was it her imagination, she struct it off and quickly went back to sleep.


The Party to celebrate Ghira work begins shortly before hand everything had to be checked, the food all ready and in place, enough drinks for everyone and the most important thing that the family photo was dusted and cleaned.

Jamie and Blake walk out to the living room to find Kail going into over drive and making sure everything is all in place.

"Alright, everything is all in place" Kail states as she turn around to see Jamie and Blake wearing something formal, "you two look great, I wish that Ghira was here to see how much you two have grown" a tear falls down her face as she spoke.

"We all do mum,  I am sure he looking down and is appreciating this" Blake states as she looks around the room until she notices the family photo, she walks over to it and looks at it with a smile.

"I always liked that photo, I remember it being taken, it toke us a bloody long time to get you to take it because you were distracted by Jamie" Kail mentioned getting a small giggle from Blake

" I was 6  at the time, to be honest I am glad that I went up to him in the playground and talked to him if I didn't do that who knows what I would be doing now" Blake reply putting down the photo, Kail places her hand on her shoulder.

"Don't forget about Tristan dear Even else you met him later then Jamie doesn't mean that you could of had the same relationship as you do with Jamie " Kail suggested picking up a glass of wine from the table.

"I don't get along with Tristan that well, he may seem nice in front of you and others but me and Jamie know what he really like" Blake inform suddenly the sound of the knocker echoes, Jamie goes to answer it to be greeted by Tristan and his family, he lets him in and shows them to the living room.

As the party slowly started and more people showed up, Jamie and Blake kept to themselves as they walked around until they found a empty spot on the couch to sit on, Tristan sat in the middle of them making both Jamie and Blake slightly frustrated.

"This is nice you know, us three being reunited, it brings back some good old memories" Tristan stated taking a sip of his Champagne.

"sure whatever" Jamie replied while grabbing a small sausage roll from the table

"Do you guys remember the time we got stuck in a tree and I helped you guys down" Tristan mentioned putting his glass down on the table

"I mostly remember,  Jamie was the one that was helped get us down while you were being a pussy and hugging me" Blake reassure Tristan that his story wasn't true as she taps her foot against the floor.

"You must be mistaken Blake, you see I was comforting you because I know that you were scared of Jamie getting hurt because everyone knows that you two  have a thing for each other" Tristan stated taking a another sip of his champagne

"You do realise that a boy and a girl can be friends right?; also me and Blake don't see each other like that" Jamie inform getting a struct expression from Tristan. "Blake not wrong you were acting like a pussy"  he could feel the frustration coming Tristan like heat coming from a sun burn.

"Jamie do you mind if you go to my room, I left my Scroll and a small box there" Blake asks as Jamie stood up

"Sure I don't mind" Jamie replied right as Tristan got up to

"I will join you, it gives us time to catch up probably right?" Tristan stated,patting Jamie on the shoulder, they went off to grab Blake things.

A few minutes past's

Tristan walks back to the couch and hands over the things that Blake asks for.

"Thanks but where Jamie I thought you went with him" Blake concernly asks as she puts the box in her pocket.

"He got a call from someone, so he asks me to give you things while he went off to take his call" Tristan explain, Blake suddenly gets up and walks away.

End of episode 13

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