TAKE 27.1 - Reflections.

Start from the beginning

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TAKE 27.1 - Reflections.

Next Day - Saturday - 20th May, 2019

Chennai - India


At the AirBNB Studio

Khushi's POV


Its only fair that I begin with this one statement that I want to state in all my mindfulness backed by sincere conviction of every inch off my being - as I look back at my very own reflection mirroring my face to me from the mirror upfront - right now.

What Statement?This Very One Below.

Happiness is a Freaking Drug. Or wait let's make some more adjustments to that - The State of True, Serene, and Peaceful Happiness within one's heart, mind, being is probably the most addictive drug in this whole wide world. It surely has the highest amount off power possible to zing up every freaking cell of your being/existence.

And why do I say the same with so much conviction right now? It's because - I'v come to realise the very same in deep ways after reflecting through all that I have been through - off late. And well to be honest - also because of the ways - My Radiating in Happiness Face is looking back at me right now - after I'v finished washing it during my freshen up quick spree - whilst I wait for Arnav to arrive her at my AirBnb Studio. (He's on his way right now. This time around he left the hotel at his end when I was twenty minutes away from my arrival to this AirBNB Studio that I rented for the day. It's located at a distance which is about 20-25 mins away from the Hotel - Arnav's staying at. I did try to look for a couple more options up closer around his hotel's vicinity obviously whilst I was booking it through for myself, however most of those options were sold out for the day - and this location was the best option that I could find. I just checked in here like five minutes ago.)

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