Chapter Seven

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Camila is happy. She's been happy since she beat Lauren's ass.

Lily and her are getting married, she invited Lauren. Just to remind her she is really over her.

Lauren doesn't really want to see the girl she loves with another but she wants to support her. Cara is pissed and went back to London to model. Lauren couldn't care less. She was a toy that became something more and now she misses the one she truly loves.

Camila is nervous though..  She doesn't want it to be like Lauren and her. All the lies and bullshit she just can't stand it anymore.

She loves Lauren still. That was her first love, of course she does.

Sometimes you have to learn the hard way though. Everything that glitters, ain't gold. More like a sparkly piece of shit.

Camila can't keep grudges though.. Lauren sure can, but Camila.. Nope.

She sorta wants to be friends Lauren again. Lily says forgiveness is better getting angry when you see or hear them.

Lily is one of the most talented, beautiful and humble person you could ever meet. So of course Lauren is jealous.

At the same time, Camila is jealous of Cara. She is so beautiful and she's a model!

Camila could never be that. Lily and Lauren would be mad at her if she said that in front of them, but its true.

Karla Camila Cabello. The girl who needed glasses. The girl who's voice is the same as when she was in first grade. The girl who can't walk in heels right. The girl who has a mole on her big toe.

Karla Camila Cabello. The girl who could never be a model.

Lauren would disagree so hard.

Lauren loves Camila so so SO much. She thinks- knows that Camila is absolutely gorgeous! She would die for her. She would catch a grenade for her! Throw her hand on a blade for her!

Cheesy, she knows.

That was one thing Camila loved so much about Lauren. Lauren being cheesy. Damn, they missed each other.

Other than missing Camila so much, Lauren is now the best goalie in the world! To keep her mind of Camila, she practices.

It makes her wonder, does Camila still play soccer? Even if it's just dribbling the ball, does she?

Camila is an A-List celebrity psychiatrist. She's worked with Beyoncé, Jennifer Lopez, Gwen Stefani and even Simon Cowell! She is so proud of herself for making it this far!

Riiinnggg!! Riinnggg! Riinnggg!

"Hi, is this Lauren?"
"Yeah, who's this?"
"Um.. It's Lily."



Forgive me?

How'd you feel about the Worth It video?

Did you realize.. Camila, Cara. Lauren, Lily?


Sorry again..

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