Chapter Six

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The more Camila looked at Lauren, the more burning rage filled her. This girl in front of her, hurt Camila more than she ever knew was possible.

"Camila, I haven't seen you in so long." Lauren said after the awkward silence. "How you been?"

Camila's only response was to attack.

And that's what she did.

Lauren of course, let her. She let Camila let out all of her anger because she deserved it. Camila, Lauren thinks, would probably do the same. She means, they were together for six years, SIX. And she just had to get caught up.

Lauren tried to love her unconditionally, she really did. But, you cant force love. (Trust Lauren. She tried.)

Camila on the other hand wasn't thinking at all.

"I" Punch. "HATE" Punch. "YOU" Slap. "SO"Kick. "FUCKING" Punch. "MUCH!" Kick.

That's all Camila could repeat, until she was finally pulled away by her beautiful fiance.

"Babe, its okay. Let it out." Lily whispered hugging Camila as she cried. Cara on the other hand. "Lauren, get the fuck up! Beat her ass!" Lauren laid there.

Lily grabbed a napkin, wet it and cleaned Camila's face. "We're gonna go home and watch movies and eat bananas and french fries and ice cream. Okay?" Camila nodded.

They tried to walk out but Cara's long ass blocked them. "Um no bitch. Camila hit my girl, that bitch hit my gi-." and those are the words that made the couple, Cara and Lauren, lay on the bathroom floor in an expensive restaurant.

Camila finally let her anger out on Lauren, and Lily punched a model in the face.


Hope yall liked!

QOTC; Do you like Lily? Should I add more Cara?

Anywhore,, i have this new story I'm gonna post. Its called Texting The Hot Girl. Would you guys read it?

Bye! Xx

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