Chapter One~Tension

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My boyfriend was the softest little cutie ever, he was shy and kind and I loved everything about him. Lately things have been tense between us recently. He's been a tiny bit grumpy and it started rubbing off on me. Honestly I've just needed someone to rant to about everything but my friends were all fake as fuck and I wasn't about to tell them my relationship was failing.

"Peyton are you okay?" Jason, who is Luke's older brother asked. I was sitting on the couch looking at my phone, pissed off because Luke and I got into an argument over something stupid.

"Yeah, your brother is being a major butthead." I said crossing my arms over my chest. Jason plopped his tall muscular frame onto the couch next to me and set his arm on the back of the couch.

"You guys have been fighting quite frequently as of late, is everything okay?" He asked looking into my eyes with concern. I nod feeling a little choked up, Jason radiated something almost like intimidation, It was hard to explain. His voice always sent chills down my spine, not to mention his height and icy blue cold eyes.

"Your a bad liar." He stated Turing his head away from me with a smirk plastered across his lips.

Luke and Jason are polar opposites. Jason was tall and muscular and gave off that fuck you vibe, while Luke was tall and lanky and super sweet most of the time. Luke would never hurt a fly where Jason was a known player and heartbreaker. There were so many things different with the two. Jason had dark hair with pale blue eyes and Luke had light brown hair with dark blue eyes.

"So why have you and my little bro been fighting so much lately?" He asked curiously. I shrugged looking down at my lap. It was the truth, but I had a sneaking suspicion that it has to do with the fact that we haven't done anything for at least two months.

"Come on P tell me."

"Well we haven't done anything in more than two months so he's grumpy about that but I'm not sure other than that." I mumble keeping my eyes trained on my lap.

"Sometimes it feels like our love is gone..." I cut myself off before I got choked up and started crying.

"Don't say that, he loves you and I know how much you love him." Jason said nudging my side. Quickly swiping a tear from my eye before it could fall. Before I could stop it I started crying, Jason pulled me into a hug. He just let me cry into his shirt and whispered things to me.

"It's gonna be ok." Jason whispered against my hair while he rubbed my back. Eventually I got myself under control; I hated crying in front of people it made me feel weak. That's what sucked about growing up with only brothers. And naturally one of my brothers was best friends with Jason, so when Chase walked in the door I wasn't even surprised.

"Jason did you make my sister cry?" He asked ready to murder someone.

"No Chase. Luke and I got into an argument that's all. Jason just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time." My voice wavered a little so I took a deep breath. I hate emotions so much.

"I'm gonna walk your sister home, I'll be right back. Don't kill my brother." Jason said before helping me up. For the longest time I could only see Jason as a big brother but now I could see why girls fell for him so often. And he wasn't really a player he just told girls he wasn't interested when they confessed; that alone gave him the player title.

Jason was sweet and caring, don't get me wrong he still gave off the fuck you vibe his personality didn't always match the vibe he put off, but maybe that had to do with insecurities or something. Today was a shitty day, I was sad and just wanted to cuddle with my boyfriend but no me wanting attention was an issue. I don't know what's going on with Luke but I hoped it changed soon.

My Boyfriend's Older Brother Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora