Chapter 17 Dragon Lord Escape!

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Veronica: (frowns and folds arms) And you believed him that easily?

Sho: What?!

Gray: She's right you know. Did you ever think he might be lying?

Lucy: If you truly knew Erza then you'd know she'd never do something so horrible.

Sho let's out a quiet gasp of shock from this revelation.

Sho: You only think you know her. You weren't there back then! You don't know anything about us!

Dex:.....You're right Sho we don't know anything about you, hell i don't know anything about them. (Gestures to Fairy Tail members and Juvia) But what i do know is one thing.

Sho: (shouting) Oh yeah! What's that?!

Dex: How could Erza destroy the boats you were going to use, if she had already left to save Jellal?

Sho: (eyes widened)

Dex: And if Jellal said was true, why didn't he stop Erza when he had the chance? And if Erza did free Jellal why wasn't she with him when he rescued all of you? And how did she get to the boats before everyone else?

Sho's whole world was now crumbling around him. All the questions Dex was asking were making more and more sense!

Sho: N-No, it c-can't be!

???: It's true Sho.

Suddenly Simon appeared before all of them.

Gray: Why you-

Gray was prepared to attack Simon until Serena put a hand out stopping him in place.

Serena: Please wait! He doesn't pose a threat. He never meant you any harm.

Arong: At the resort he knew he was attacking your ice decoy.

Gray: But how?

Veronica: Simple, since he was the one who cast the darkness spell it wouldn't effect him at all. Meaning if he was trying to kill you he would have killed you instead of your decoy since he could still see you. He also knew his friends shot wouldn't be enough to kill Natsu as well.

Dex: Exactly, we came along to figure out why he would spare you and Natsu.

Simon: I'd expect no less from a dragon slayer.

Sho: I don't understand.

Simon: I had to fool you and the others into thinking i killed him, but i'd hoped our attack would lure them here.

Natsu: (question mark above head) Wait, so attacking us was meant to lure us here?

Simon: (looks at Natsu and nods) Hmm.

Sho: So you were lying too? (Tearing up) How could you do that to me?

Simon walks over to Sho and places a hand on his shoulder.

Simon: I'm sorry, Jellal had you under his spell, and u couldn't convince you otherwise. So i played along until the time was right.

Erza: So you knew all along.

Simon turns back and smiles at Erza.

Simon: I've always believed in you Erza. And there's nothing that could ever change that.

Sho now realized that Jellal was lying to them the whole time. And broke down crying until Erza comfort him making amends with him.

Simon: If we work together we can take down Jellal. Especially with the Dragon Lord's help.

Arong: So the fabled Dragon Lord really is here.

Juvia: You know about my beloved?

Arong: Well not really, i only heard about him through rumors across Fiore both me and Dex travelled together looking for the son of Agvuu.

Simon: Yes but i'm afraid this was all a set up to lure Erza here. Jellal only had us say we were going to use Drake because he knew Erza would follow.

Arong: So it was a set up to get Erza here.

Just as Arong finished that line the others nodded until.....


There was a massive Explosion that shook the entire tower shake and everyone lose their footing.

Lucy: What was that?! Some kind of explosion?!

Simon: It sounds like it came from the.....oh no.

Erza: What?! Simon what's wrong?!

Simon: We have to find Millianna and Wally quickly!

Natsu: Why?! What's going on?!

Simon: (sweating nervously with a serious face) The reason why is because...

Somewhere else

It shows a bunch of guards on the ground beaten and unconscious. As they were groaning there were footsteps as the camera pans up revealing the back of a figure walking away outside as Simon finished his sentence.

Simon: the Dragon Lord has escaped.

The light revealed Drake's jacket blowing in the wind as he goes to confront Jellal.

Hey guys short chapter this time but hey at least it's an update right? Anyways you know what to do read, vote, comment, etc. By the way I'm working full time again at my job so i'll be busy again so just bear with me guys. So enjoy this short chapter for now and stay safe and stay healthy i'm going to work on my Freezing story next after this.

Fairy Tail: Tale of The Dragon Lord (Adopted By Julius123489)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora