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Hope everyone is okay :)

I already published this once before but then I unpublished it because I knew I wouldn't have time to write it but imma Try again

So basically imma start writing this story now (its currently 3rd of april 2022)

The cover was made by louscarots all their work is so good x

So just a few warnings this book does mention and include self harm and a eating disorder.

If this triggers you please be careful or just skip the parts that mention it because I don't want anyone to be effected by it and if you ever need to or want to talk about anything i'm here for you.

Just so you know this does have a happy end so don't worry about that it won't be too sad

Anyways I hope it's okay

I love you all so much it really means so much that you guys read the stuff I write.

TPWK  xx

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