how i told him i love him

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Dear diary,

I told him I love him

I did it

I said it

I told Harry

I told him everything

I let him read this and he's sat next to me watching me write this part so I guess you know it went well.

(A few hours earlier)

Louis stood outside Harry's room holding the book tightly against his chest. "You can do this mate" Zayn whispered as he hugged Louis before leaving him standing there. He nervously knocked on the door, Harry answered "hey are you okay?" Harry asked looking worried, Louis had stayed in Zayn's room the night before as he wanted to talk to him about how to say this all to Harry so Harry was already worried something was wrong.

"I wasn't okay but I'm better now but I think it's time I told you everything that's been going on" Louis said, Harry looked at him and let him walk into the room before closing the door, they went and sat on the sofa "what happened?" Harry asked. Louis looked down at the notebook, the book that just over 3 months ago changed his life.

Everything was in here, all his feelings.

"Everything you need to know is written in here" Louis explained before slowly handing Harry the book. "Read the first part only because I want to talk to you about each one" Louis quickly added as Harry opened the first page.

Louis looked over at the book as Harry read it. The first entry.....why I feel sad.

After the first few sentences it pretty much revealed Louis' crush on Harry but Harry didn't say anything he just kept reading that entry until he finished it and looked over at Louis.

They looked at each other in silence "can I read the next part or do you want to talk about that part like you said" Harry whispered rereading part of it. "I was kinda expecting you to say something" Louis mumbled, "what do you want me to say?" Harry asked keeping his eyes on the sentence that read

But unfortunately he doesn't like me back, I mean why would he.

"Do you hate me?" Louis asked afraid of the answer, this made Harry look up at him. "No, I've never hated you, I never will" He said. Louis nodded unsure of how Harry was feeling right now. There was more silence "is this all true, do you love me?" Harry asked. Louis nodded "you can just read the rest" Louis decided he couldn't deal with not knowing what Harry thought.

The next part.....why I don't eat

It hurt Harry to read this, he knew something was wrong but he didn't know how to ask Louis about it. He fixated on one sentence just like he had done on the previous entry...

I mean I've always liked Harry it's just since fans started the whole larry stylinson stuff it's been made clear to me that Harry will never feel the same

"Have you eaten today?" Harry mumbled not looking up from the page, "yeh I'm getting better now the past few weeks I've been adding more food to my diet" Louis whispered looking down at his shoes.

He moved onto the next page....why I might quit

Harry gasped quietly "you wanted to leave?" He asked finally looking over to Louis, he just nodded not being able to speak for some reason.

This time Harry concentrated on the sentence

I'm not me anymore none of the boys are and I can't keep doing this the old Louis was murdered and I don't know how long I can keep this one alive.

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