Chapter 3 - Endless Train Ride

Start from the beginning

"That's something that will never get easier. But I think that's good because it motivates you to give your best as a mentor", Seeder noted. 

"Maybe you are right. I guess I will go to bed now, too." 

Seeder smiled sadly at me as I disappeared in my room. 

I threw myself onto the soft bed and held my necklace in my hand. Rue had been really sad when I had had to leave again. At first for the victory tour and now for the next Hunger Games. I would never be free. A pawn of the Capitol for the rest of my life. 

Suddenly the exhaustion overwhelmed me and I did not bother to change my clothes.

I awoke startled, out of breath, full of sweat. The nightmares had also bothered me during my victory tour. At home Rue was sleeping beside me which calmed me down and mostly kept my nightmares away. But now I was on my own. Lots of restless nights awaited me and I was already sick of it just thinking about it.

I took a shower and found new clothes inside the wardrobe. Unbelievable that I was inside a train. Before moving to the victor's village, I had not even had a bed, let alone running water. 

I decided to get myself a cup of tea. 

When I left my room I met Zet and gave him a soft smile. 

"Not able to sleep?", I asked him. 

He shook his head. 

"Do you also want a cup of tea?" 

"That'd be nice." I boiled some water and put the teabags inside the cups. 

"Why are you up so early? You don't seem like an early bird", he proclaimed. 

"I have six younger siblings. I'm not used to sleeping on my own", I brushed it off while pouring the hot water into the cups and placing one in front of Zet. 

We talked about life in district 11 and I told him about the victor's village to distract us from the upcoming games. 

Two hours later the others joined us. All of us were coming along well now and I hated it. It was nothing but torture. Getting close to people you were going to lose soon. How had Chaff and Seeder endured that for so long? I understood the always drunk mentor of district 12 way better now. 

Soon we arrived at the Capitol. 

When the tributes started their training it was time for us mentors to win over some sponsors. Though we could not do a lot until our tribute's scores were announced. They were essential for sponsoring. 

I saw other mentors trying to persuade the sponsors to support their tributes. 

Finnick Odair was definitely popular under the female sponsors. And the fact that the tributes of district 4 were usually well-built and part of the careers made his job easier. 

No one wanted to sponsor some kids of district 11. No matter what I tried, I always got the same response: Let's see which score they will get first. 

I sighed in frustration as I let myself fall onto an ornate but uncomfortable bench outside the room. 

Suddenly someone sat down beside me. "Not successful, I guess." 

"Not at all", I stated annoyed before looking at the person. I had seen her before. She had won the games before mine. 

"Johanna Mason. District 7", she greeted me grinning. 

"(f/n) (l/n). District 11." 

"Oh, I know you. I saw your Games. You outsmarted the careers", she recalled with a chuckle. "And that jump from the tree to kill the boy from 2 was pretty badass", she added. 

The way she said it I almost felt proud. This was all so sick that I could not help but laugh. 

"Woah, you are weird", Johanna noted. 

"Thanks", I replied casually. "I guess we have to get back inside", I noticed demotivated. 

"They are all so fake and only care about their rich selves", Johanna declared disgusted. 

I burst out laughing. "And we try to persuade them to bet on the life of a child." 

Johanna tried suppressing her amusement but soon joined my laughter. Being a victor and losing your mind were two parts of a set. 

"Dammit! Stop that nonsense!", Johanna demanded chuckling while playfully hitting my arm. At least I felt better now, less lonely. 

"They aren't the only actors", I alluded. "I don't think you are a crybaby nor a brutal murderer." 

She grinned at that. "So you did watch my games. But why are you so sure about it? I could always be acting as well as you." 

Our eyes locked as she tried to figure me out. 

I stayed silent for a moment, increasing the tension. "Intuition." 

Johanna nearly choked on her laugh. "Seriously?!" 

I shrugged my shoulders. "Then, how do you decide?" 

"I don't decide", she clarified. "There are people I come along with and people I can't stand." 

"That's intuition!", I elucidated. 

"Oh. Guess you are right", she noticed shrugging it off. 

"Hey, Johanna! What are you doing out here for so long?", a male voice interrupted us. 

"Can't believe they let you go, Odair", Johanna replied seductively. 

"Oh. You checked out the newbie", he concluded looking at me. 

"Yeah, kind of", she responded casually. 

Finnick leaned down in front of me, our faces barely apart. "Any secrets to share?", he wondered with an alluring expression that made me blush. His eyes were fascinating. Somehow it felt like he was a lot deeper than he appeared to be. 

After a while he pulled back blushing slightly himself. Shit! I had stared into his eyes pretty long. 

Johanna was obviously amused by that. "She totally beat you! Seems like your charm doesn't work on her", Johanna teased Finnick.

It had just been on accident. Usually I was not that confident or outgoing, though I loved teasing people. 

"So, you are different, huh?", Finnick wondered completely ignoring Johanna's words. 

I shrugged my shoulders. "Wouldn't say that. But you don't have to pull the same shit for me as you do for the Capitol women. I'm not that cheap." 

Finnick smiled. He was handsome. I had to give him that. "Why do you think I'm acting?", he questioned. 

"Intuition!", Johanna exclaimed. 

"Yeah. And two other reasons. The first is your eyes. And the second is that no one would voluntarily flirt with those dyed chicken like that. Have to go and find some sponsors now", I declared and walked off.


I love Johanna and Finnick so much and I imagine their friendship to be incredibly funny. Hope you like the chapter. Please let me know!

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