Part 16: Order Up

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"We need to get out of here" Ranboo says helping Tubbo up, Ranboo pulls a dirty cloth out of his coat pocket to clean Tubbo's hands with "please don't wander off like that, Tubs... I don't know what I'd do if you got hurt..." Ranboo says caressing Tubbo's face in his hands gently "okay... I'm sorry"
"It's fine, I'm just worried about you. When we find Tommy, we'll get out of here right away" Ranboo explains making Tubbo nod. Tubbo holds onto Ranboo for support as they leave the rat behind. They climb up some carts into a room with metal boxes.

Ranboo boosts Tubbo up a leadge and Tubbo pulls him up with ease as usual "I wonder how Tommy will react to your new strength"
"He'll flip out" Tubbo says remembering how reliant he was when he was with Tommy. They continue forward seeing a set of stairs leading to a door with a dry red stain coming from the door, the strong coppery smell is enough to make Tubbo gag "I'll never see blood the same again" Tubbo says remembering the rat again "No, no. Don't think about that right now"
"Right, ok, sorry" Tubbo says taking Ranboo's hand. They open the door entering a dark hall with more carts. They see a vent that they can crawl through so they climb up slowly to see what's inside.

On the other side, they see a pantry filled with veg and spices and Tubbo's heart drops "we weren't far from a food source... If I was just patient..."
"Tubbo... It's not your fault" Ranboo whispers hugging Tubbo "you said it yourself. It was in pain, you ended it's suffering which is the kindest thing someone can do in a place like this" Ranboo says trying to comfort Tubbo, he nods wiping away his tears. They walk forward slowly hearing something in the distance. Ranboo peers around the corner seeing a kitchen with a large chefs with a mutilated faces. The pungent smell of meat and blood fills Ranboo's nostrils making him cough "gross... Tubbo wear this" Ranboo says giving Tubbo his mask. Tubbo puts it on and instantly feels relief *thank you* Tubbo signs seeing the figure. They run under a table just as the chef wobbles over, he picks up a sausage putting it in a pot of boiling something. When the chef turns it's back they run to a wardrobe and hide under it. The chef wanders into another room, Ranboo and Tubbo follow slowly. Inside is a lot of pots and pans boiling, the pots are too high to see what's cooking but neither of the boys want to know. Tubbo sweats feeling the heat radiate from the kitchen *Are you okay?* Ranboo signs *yes, just very hot* Tubbo replys not wanting to take the mask off just yet. They hear a nome scuttle past and they follow it to a table, hearing the chef approach the dive under it. Tubbo can hear his heart getting out of his chest as the chef wanders around. They run up some stairs and up a cabinet, they jump onto a beam trying not to fall. They walk forward seeing that the pots are filled with a green slob making Tubbo gag again. The chef grunts looking up, Ranboo, Tubbo and the chef stare at each other for what feels like an eternity until the chef runs away. Ranboo pulls Tubbo along climbing up some cages.

They climb through a vent and Tubbo pulls the mask off gasping for air. Ranboo places a hand on his head feeling for a temperature "you feeling sick? Thirsty?"
"We'll find you some water, ok?"
"Yes please..."
"Alright, hang in there, Tubs" Ranboo says feeling worried.

They enter a bathroom seeing two toilets next to each other "what is this?" Ranboo asks in pure confusion "A couples toilet?" Ranboo says before walking through the next door. Inside looks like a regular house. Tubbo sees a gate with an eye next to a lever, Ranboo glares at it weary as Tubbo jumps up to flip the switch, it open and they both walk in slowly. The door shuts as the lift moves down.

They find themselves back at the pantry. They go back in the lift to the house entering a dark room. Tubbo turns on his lighter revealing a bed room with kids toys, Ranboo is about to speak when Tubbo covers his mouth. Confused, Ranboo looks up seeing the chef in one of the beds. Slowly both boys walk to a cabinet and they slowly begin to climb. When they reach the top a light turns on and they duck in the corner trying to hide. Tubbo hears the chef leave and in the light he sees a key, he climbs down slowly hopping up to the key, he swings on it making it fall off of the hook. Ranboo climbs down to check if the chef is around "all clear" Ranboo says leading Tubbo out. They creep to the lift going back down to the pantry. Ranboo sees a jar jumping about and squeaking, he tries to silence it but he hears the footsteps of the chef approaching. They duck under the shelves just as the chef enters. It examines the room before leaving again.

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