I manage to smile and reach out my hand to Erich.

"I'm Arya. Thanks for making this a little less awkward."

"That's what I'm here for!"

Erich grins, his whole face lighting up. He's about as tall as me and definitely dressed to impress. Navy skinny jeans, a crème coloured long sleeved shirt, a matching bow-tie and converse sneakers make him look like he jumped right out of an H&M catalogue.

"So do you think you could bare spending time with me? Because if you already think I'm irritating, wait until I start talking about art." He lifts his eyebrows at me, putting his hands on his waist.

"I think I can manage as long as you can take me being picky and very type A about things."

"Yes! Perfect!" Erich grabs my hand and turns around. "Let's scout two more. Hmmm let's see..."

We stand in the centre of the room, searching for someone who would fit our eclectic group. I spot a guy animatedly talking to a tall girl and point at them, getting Erich's attention.

"What about them?" I ask.

"Not sure... let's go say hi." Before I know it he has dragged me towards the two and happily introduces us. "I'm Erich and this is Arya, we are prepared to become best friends for the course of this semester and we would like you to join us."

'Uncomfortable about introducing himself'? Yeah right! This guy is the most confident person I have ever met!

The tall girl giggles, tucking her hair behind her ear. She has a short blonde bob and is actually extremely gorgeous up close. What's with these college girls being superiorly beautiful. How is anyone supposed to live up to those standards?

"I'm Collin and this is Emma." The guy steps in, wildly moving his hands as he speaks. "Emma is deaf so please look at her whilst you speak so she can read your lips."

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" Erich calls, turning towards Emma. She smiles politely and shrugs, clearly used to it.

Collin, also quite tall with sand coloured hair and brown eyes, faces Emma, mouthing first Erich's name and then mine whilst clearly spelling it with his hands. Emma then turns to me, her expression changing slightly. She starts signing to Collin, still looking at me and he starts to translate.

"She wants to know if you really want us to join your group." He says.

"Of course. I would really like that. Why would you ask that?" I try to enunciate properly, facing Emma.

Once again Emma starts signing and I start getting uncomfortable again. Did she not want to be in a group with me? Why would she ask that? Maybe she had seen my art and hated it.

"Emma really admires you and she didn't think you wanted to be in a group with us as we are both merely beginners." Collin translates. "But I think that she's being modest. We're both really good at what we do so I'm not surprised you chose us."

A bit taken aback by Emma's compliment and Collin's confidence, I giggle.

"Well, the wonder child is ours now!" Erich chimes in. "I think we have found our group. Now all we have to do is get all our egos in check and decide on an artist."

This should be fun.

A few hours later, I am exhausted but nonetheless sitting outside at one of the picnic tables with Seth's laptop, researching the artist we have decided to base our work on. The sun is just settling, when I save another article to the bookmarks, my eyes glued to the screen.

Living for the fat girl [Book 2]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon