But Karkaroff seemed intent on talking to Snape so much so that he waited for the rest of entire double potions.

Dora knew she had her work done, but wanted to listen to anything she could, she intentionally knocked over her bottle of armadillo bile at the same time as Harry.

"What's so urgent?" She heard Snape hiss at Karkaroff.

"This," said Karkaroff, and Dora peering around the edge of the table, she saw Karkaroff pull up the left-hand sleeve of his robe and show Snape something on his inner forearm.

What..... Dora gaped at that.

"Well?" said Karkaroff, still making every effort not to move his lips. "Do you see? It's never been this clear, never since -"

"Put it away!" snarled Snape, his black eyes sweeping the classroom.

"But you must have noticed -" Karkaroff began in an agitated voice.

"We can talk later, Karkaroff!" spat Snape. "Potter! Black! What are you two doing?"

"Clearing up my armadillo bile, Professor," said Harry innocently, straightening up and showing Snape the sodden rag he was holding.

"Yeah me too" Dora said with wide eyes, making Snape narrow her eyes at her.

"Leave then" he hissed.

Dora quickly scrambled away, unlike herself. But what she saw made her tremble lightly.

Sitting with Draco and the other Slytherins during breakfast the next day. Wondering.

Has Draco ever seen.... it?

Dora could not sleep properly the previous night. The mark..... his mark.

Karkaroff was talking about how it is now more clear than it had been ever since.... ever since what? Ever since Harry survived the killing curse?

"Let's go" Draco's voice snapped her out of her thoughts.

"You go, I don't feel too well" Dora mumbled.

"Do I need to write to mother?" His question made Dora chuckle.

"No, no"

Draco shrugged before moving out of the hall and making his way to Hogsmeade.

It was the Hogsmeade weekend.

Dora felt uneasy ever since she saw how a death eater has the mark embedded into their skin.

Dad must've had one like that....

And it was clear to Dora that there was no way to get rid of it from Karkaroff's frantic voice.

He indeed looked like he wanted very desperately to get rid of it.

"He grabbed his left arm as if it burnt."  Harry's words echoed in her ear, "He's got a second chance."

Snape getting another chance from Dumbledore, could that mean Snape actually is a death eater?

Of course! That's why Karkaroff went to him! That's why Lucius doesn't talk badly about him!

"He regretted ever agreeing to joining him"

Lazarus words rang in her ear, making her sigh.

Walking out of the hall, going to Hogsmeade for a walk didn't seem that bad after all.

Putting on her flats and a full sleeves dress, Dora left the castle.

Walking around, she could only think of why would Dumbledore keep Snape here.

Also Dobby never had any boomslang with him.

"Mr.Crouch in Snape's office"

Is it possible for Crouch to have taken some boomslang from Snape's office? But why?

Boomslang is used to make Polyjuice Potion.

Sighing Dora looked up and found herself in the small village.

Looking around she caught a glimpse of Hog's Head Inn, going in she got herself a gillywater.

"You're here again" it was Dumbledore's brother.

"Do you not want customers or what?" She said in an equal rude tone.

Grumbling he went away, talking about how he should ban students of Hogwarts from entering his Inn.

Dora's eyes fell on the rack that had previous papers laid on it neatly.

Picking them up, her eyes scanned the headings.

It wasn't that Dora didn't have a subscription to The Daily Prophet, they weren't that interesting these days or so she thought.

Getting out of the Inn, she went to Honeydukes but had to leave quickly when she saw Draco coming in.

Walking hastily, she slowed down once she had reached the outskirts of the village.

Sitting on a giant rock, she munched on the huge slab of chocolate. Trying to see things through.

I wish you were here right now grandpa. I could've written it all down to you and revived an answer to my questions the very next day.

Sighing, she wondered what could the mark becoming clearer mean.

He said it's becoming more clear everyday....

Is this a sign?

"Dumbledore's been reading signs again."

The possibility of what it could mean made Dora's eyes widen.

Could Voldermot be returning? Is that why Karkaroff's so uneasy?

She was snapped out of her thoughts when she saw Harry and his friends coming down from some mountain.

"What are you doing here" Weasley rolled his eyes.

Dora quickly got up, not in a mood to stay and argue. Dusting off her dress she walked away, not noticing the dog who was staring at her.

"Could she have seen Sirius?" Ron questioned.

"She knows about Sirius Ron," Hermione retorted.

The black dog snapped out of whatever trance it was under and licked Harry's hand, motioning towards where the girl had disappeared.

"Yes. It's her" Harry grinned, whispering so that Ron couldn't hear him.

The dog nodded.

Sirius only got a glance at the girl bug it was enough for him to see the startling similarity between her and his younger brother, Regulus.

Dora hurried back to the castle and went upstairs.

Pulling out a diary with blank pages, that Remus had sent her, she wrote down whatever thoughts were running in her mind.

Dora had never owned a diary before. But this one was quite nice.

Leave it to Remus to pick out the best books and diaries.

The blank pages were thick enough to not let the ink stain the next page. She hid the diary deep in her trunk.


All the sentences written in Italics are when she's thinking, talking to herself or something from her past.

Thank you you reading :)

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