He hugged her straight away, "In time for my aegi," said Hoseok after he got in. His stomach started to growl, loud enough for Sunhee to hear. "Pardon my tummy," he looked embarrassed.

"You can't control your stomach acid when you're famished. When was your last meal?" asked Sunhee as she removed her apron. She went to her phone and changed her playlist. They might not be able to go to a restaurant to eat so she might as well create an ambience for their impromptu date.

"I don't know. Brunch maybe?" answered Hoseok as he removed his jacket and hanged it at the rack.

"That's a long time ago. Go on and have a seat," invited Sunhee as she filled the bowls with rice. Hoseok went to her and helped to bring the bulgogi to the table.

"Smells fabulous," commented Hoseok as he savoured the aroma of the hot beef in front of him.

"I just hope it's as good as it smells," said Sunhee. "Enjoy your meal."

"Thank you for the food," said Hoseok before digging in. He then groaned appreciatively. "This is really delicious," praised Hoseok.

"You're not just saying that right?" she asked.

"No, really. This is the best I've had," he pointed to the bulgogi.

Sunhee was glad and put a piece of beef in his bowl before eating her food. Hoseok was clearly hungry that he had a second serving of rice. They ate until everything was finished.

"I ate well," said Hoseok patting his tummy. He then helped Sunhee clearing the table. He was about to wear the dishwashing gloves to wash the dishes until Sunhee stopped him.

"Leave it," Sunhee put her hand on the gloves and returned it to their place. "I'll do it later."

"Aegiya, I didn't even bring you anything and just barged into you like this. Let me do the dishes," he protested.

"I haven't seen you in ages and every minute spent on those dishes is ticking away. We have a very limited time and I plan to make full use of it. Let's just sit and I'll make you coffee," she pulled him to the chair and went to make iced americano for him. "I'll pack it to go so you can drink this along the way back. You're going to need this," said Sunhee as she started to put the coffee in.

Hoseok trailed behind her, watching her making the drink. She was very efficient and thoughtful. "Thank you," said Hoseok as he hugged Sunhee from behind as she put the lid on his coffee cup. "I really appreciate this," he continued.

"All for my babe," she turned and hugged him back. "It's just coffee," she said.

"It's much more than that," Hoseok took the coffee from her hand and put it on the table. He skillfully twirled her around to the song that was playing at the speaker. "Let's dance," he said, pulling another move around her.

Sunhee laughed and executed a simple step touch and body roll, "I haven't danced since forever. I may have pulled a muscle or two doing that without warm-ups."

"You still have the moves," said Hoseok, dancing along with her.

"I'm rusty," said Sunhee.

Hoseok pulled her close and proceeded to kiss her. He then deepened the kiss as he lifted her up on the baking table. Just then his phone rang. "Damn the timing," he cursed as he accepted the call. "Give me a break, will you? The two hours is not up yet," he said to the phone and disconnected it.

"That happens a lot," giggled Sunhee. "Babe, what is it with you and this table? I'm never going to see this table the same ever again," Sunhee went down from it with Hoseok's help and sat on the stool.

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