Chapter 7

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"You can fit into that position just fine."

Sunhee felt like smacking her mouth for that remark. That came out instantly after he made that dig on sugar daddy. She just couldn't let him get the last line in and she was trying hard to be blasé after that. She knew her face was turning red as she unlocked the back door and she didn't even bother to look at his face for his reaction. She could hear him approaching.

"Come on in," Sunhee casually invited him in as she unlocked the door.

"Ladies first," Hoseok slipped forward and immediately held the door for her as she twisted the knob.

"That's very chivalrous of you," Sunhee said as she went in. She then hung her jacket and put her things on the work table in the baking area.

The shop was overall simple with no fancy decorations. The brick walls gave out the nice classical vibe of an old but reputable bakery. The wood paneling at the counter shows off the rustic feel and ambience. No frills, just honest to goodness vibe of a friendly neighbourhood bakery.

"This place smells welcoming," Hoseok breathed in the smell of the bakery appreciatively.

"Do you know one of the tricks to sell a house is by actually baking bread in the kitchen a day before bringing people in it?"

"That would only work if the potential buyer is buying house for their family. Doesn't work much if the person is looking for investment," he commented.

"Are you into real estate too?" she asked.

"A little," he answered.

"Oh, what would you look for in a real estate investment?" Sunhee asked curiously.

"Location, location and location," he answered, taking his sunglasses and jacket off.

"That's very helpful," replied Sunhee drily. "Is the bakery's location good?"

"It's strategic," he said.

Sunhee nodded. She knew that by the volume of customers getting in and out of her shop. "Today's our off day by the way. That's why the bakery is closed," supplied Sunhee. She stopped as she looked at Hoseok's stained shirt and jacket. "I really do mean it when I say I'll cover the cleaning cost for your shirt and jacket. I ruined it."

"The coffee stain didn't change the function of the shirt. A shirt is still a shirt," stated Hoseok as he moved around the baking area.

"And a Dior is just a shirt," Sunhee rolled her eyes. She passed him the business plan she made and walked to the baking table.

Hoseok paused in front of a room near to him. It was a small space with rolled up futon and a pillow on top of it. There were clothes hanging neatly on the rack and there were a couple of drawers stacked on each other. The room was small, tidy and utilitarian. "You live here?" he asked in surprise.

Sunhee went to the room as quick as lightning and shut the door. She bet he made the quick deduction from the clothes he saw. She wasn't expecting anyone today and she was glad she always leave the room spotless. She can't afford to leave it messy especially when she worked and lived there.

"Yes, I do," she answered quickly and diverted his attention from her room to the bakery. "Let me start the tour and show you this area first. This is the baking area, my area. This is where the magic starts and this is where I keep the heart of the bakery – the starter," said Sunhee, showing him the proofer. "There's Livvy and Freddy."

"You named your starter?"

"Yes. Livvy is whole wheat and Freddy here is the gluten free. Easy to distinguish," Sunhee pointed at the wild yeast in their containers. "Then we have the cashier counter and here," Sunhee said as she moved to the front part of the shop "is the display area. And that's about it."

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