𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟒: 𝐀 𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦

Start from the beginning

"It's like being in a dream." A faint smile reached her lips as if she were remembering something, "A happy dream. A dream where you feel you can get lost into. A dream where you feel like you can touch the stars, jump over the moon, fly through the air feeling nothing but empty happiness and...pure love, adored." She smiled in my direction. "The feeling is amazing. So amazing."

My mouth didn't know the words to say to her.

If being mated was this amazing then how come King Alpha didn't feel any of it? Why didn't I feel any of it?

"They mated me to a witch to torture me," Katia stated, suddenly serious, "I was weak a little hundred years ago. I didn't know the mess I was getting into. I followed the witch like a blind lovesick girl. Got beaten, captured, stabbed."

A look of revenge, hatred and anger masked her features, but she quickly slid them off her face going blank.

"King Alpha saved me from them." She spoke. "But it's hard, you see? Even if I didn't want to, I was completely and utterly in love with that witch. When your mated, you don't see the flaws in them, you see the beauty. I went back after a few months, hoping to catch a glimpse of that witch or even manage to get a few words," she shrugged although she seemed a bit troubled, "all I got was harsh and threatening words."

I put the last piece of pizza in my mouth, chewing, "You still love him?"

A blush appeared on her cheeks, and she opened her mouth as if to correct me on something but closed it and bashfully nodded her head.

"I can't help it." She spoke.

"Is he even alive?"

Her face grew redder as if mentioning him made her blush more, "Yes, indeed."

"Why does King Alpha hate you?"

"He knew I went to see the witch even after they tortured me horribly. He made me pick sides then. It was either my mate or him."

"What did you choose?" I asked.

"I told him I'd rather kill myself." She answered. "He got upset with my answer. Angry even. He went on about how the witches are trying to destroy us and how stupid I am to fall in love with one." She sighed. "He's right, of course. But the witch I'm mated to isn't as cruel as the others. Roxy is actually nice and kind. Roxy was forced to torture and say all those things to me by being pressured. Sometimes it seems as if Roxy wants to be with me, sometimes it feels as if...trying to abandon and forget me." she placed her head in her palm, looking a little upset now.

"You still see him around?"


"Okay...that answers one of my questions," I said grabbing my fourth slice, "Next question. What does 'Ezlynn is your redemption' mean?"

"I told you this before. I want to end the rivalry between the witches and King Alpha. It's getting tiring and keeping me away from being with Roxy. I think you're a witch Ezlynn." She spoke, "You don't smell like Lycans, and you have magic. I want you to start a new era with King Alpha where witches and werewolves once lived together. Just like how Sanhandred and Lucretia lived."

"Wait...a minute," I said drawing out the word 'wait'. "Step on the brakes, will you?" I frowned, "I'm trying to get rid of King Alpha and you want me to make a fucking era with him?"

She rubbed the spot between her eyebrows, "Please don't react like that. It makes me feel like I'm losing more hope."

"Well then lose it! I'm not making a fucking era with him. I'm pretty sure he'd also kill himself by drinking acid instead too."

"But he won't!" She spoke almost desperately. "He has been...lonely for a long time now. And he refuses to bring me back into his life. He just hides his feelings and his heart by acting cruel and harsh. You need to break his walls and make him feel that softness again."

"You're delusional if you think I'm gonna do any of that."

"Ezlynn you have been mated to him. Take advantage of that."

"Katia, you try to understand how I'm feeling right now," I spoke. "That guy broke into my house, kidnapped me and tried to kill me so many times. He's the reason my brother is kidnapped, and my life is so upside down. I feel like I'm walking on pins and needles and every time I feel like my life is hanging by a thread. He's the reason I had my palm sliced open so Ace could put his fucking barrier on me to protect me from him."

I raised my eyebrows, "You want me to get close to him now? I want my life to be back to normal, Katia. Getting closer with him isn't gonna make that happen. Once I get Collin back, I'm off from your lives for good."

She sighed, running her fingers through her hair, "I tried. It's your wish. I won't force you."

"I need to go to the bathroom," I stood up abruptly.

Before she could say anything, I slid out of the booth and headed to the bathroom completely lost and dispersed into my thoughts.

Maybe that's why I didn't notice the three punk guys right around the corner, watching me.


Date: 27 July 2021

Date: 27 July 2021

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