Epilogue Surprise Announcement

Start from the beginning

The sound of growling made Hobi's skin goosebumps, a sudden rush of heat run through his body, and suddenly the pheromones of his wet entrance began to call for his Alpha.

"I guess we're' not done yet" Murmured Yoongi getting a burst of energy to get up and attend his Omega's body demanding to be taken once again.

It wasn't until past midnight, that Hobi and Yoongi finally fall sleep for more than 5 hours, that they realized that his heat was completely over.

The few extra hours of sleep, wasn't enough to recover from three days of mating, but it was enough to get up from bed, shower and finally go visit Jimin at the hospital. Another couple of calls after Hobi said he was going to be there and he never showed.

"The baby is probably already here, Jimin is going to kill me for no being there" said Hobi, fixing the last detail of his hair, while Yoongi was just putting a white t-shirt, black jeans and black sandals.

"Are you leaving the house like that?" Ask Hobi, looking at his alpha from head to toes.

"Yeah, why?" Yoongi felt comfortable in his clothes, didn't found anything wrong with what he was wearing.

"Never mind, lets go. If it wasn't because you have the most gorgeous face, I wouldn't like to be seen next to you. How unfair that you can put a paper bag on your head and you still look like a model." Said Hobi with annoyance.

"Hey, you look gorgeous to me" said the alpha, back hugging the taller Omega. 

5 weeks later

"Doctor Jung, your next patient is waiting" said a nurse looking into her clipboard. "Is Mister Jung Hoseok"

"Hobi?" Said Jungkook, wondering why Hobi made an appointment with him. Immediately got up from his desk and went to the exam room. Once inside he found his husband's best friend with a paper gown sitting on the edge of the exam table, stepping on his own toes. He seem very nervous.

"Hey what's going on? Why didn't you tell me you were coming? Yo don't need to make an appointment, you should've just call"

"Hi Jungkook, I know, but I don't want anyone to know I'm here. Could you please don't tell Jimin and Yoongi" Said Hobi with worry in his voice.

"Of course. But what's going on"

"How is the baby?" Hobi ask, trying to change the subject for just a moment. And also because he call Jimin almost every day, but he hasn't visit him  since the day the baby was born. He loves Jimin and of course he love Hanwool, but he couldn't help feeling a little depressed when he sees the baby after the struggle he is going through.

"Hanwool is doing great, Giving Jimin a hard time when latching to nurse. But why you haven't visit us at home?

"I can't conceive" said Hobi all of the sudden. Giving Jungkook no time to react.


"Yoongi and I have been trying to get pregnant for a couple of heats cycles, but I think I've been in suppressor for so long that my body refuses to work now" said Hobi with sadness.

"The same suppressor that Jimin was on?"

Hoseok nodded.

"Well, Jimin got no issues conceiving after stop taking them, so I'm going to assume that probably you are allergic to some of its ingredients... When was the last time you have a full check up?" Ask Jungkook.

"Never" He reply.

"Never?... Why?"

"Omegas don't get regular check ups. We only go to the doctor if we are close to dying"  Immediately Jungkook understood the struggle of the Omegas who rarely go outside. And also because there weren't that many doctors for Omegas.

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