Childish Games {Chapter 18}

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if you guys remember her from a while back she will be later in the story so heres what she looks like)

(QUICK A/NI DREW MY HC DESIGN FOR BILLS WIFEif you guys remember her from a while back she will be later in the story so heres what she looks like)

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Steve continued to drive the tank at high speed, while John was holding out his pistol.

Ted held his sniper out but how rapidly fast the tank was moving, it was impossible for him to even get a clear angle of the two men's heads.

I, unfortunately, didn't have my gun at all.

All I did was hang onto dear life while sitting beside Ted.

John tried his best to hold the men off but his gun stopped working all of the sudden. He turned his head back slightly to face Steve, who was still worried about us getting killed on the spot.

"My gun is jammed! Hey, straight edge throw me a clip will ya!" John shouted from behind Steve who was still driving the tank at full speed, he spun his head around to face his Captain.

Steve started hissing again, John was slightly taken off guard by Steve's behaviour. "Hey! Whoa, you feeling all right today buddy because you know-" John's sentence was cut short and interrupted by Steve as he turned his head around to face his Captain.

"Wha- yeah! You kinda forgot my birthday again, so my panties are in a bunch-" Steve yelled over the loud noises around us. I shifted my body closer to the spot where Steve was while trying my best to hang on at the same time. "Steve?! Seriously, is it the best time to talk about this while we are getting are asses chased down?" I frowned at Steve, who didn't seem to care about what I said.

Captain John let a chuckle out of nowhere. Turning his head back to face the three of us, "oh well I didn't forget, I just don't care." He smirked at Steve, he just scoffed in reply before turning his head back to face John once again.

"You black and white son of a gun."

Steve turned his head back facing the front not knowing where the hell he was heading, Y/N struggling to stay on without falling off. They placed their hands tightly around Ted's body, John sighed as he faced back at Steve.

"Listen- sunshine, we don't have time for your sweet 16 party right now. So let's hear how you're gonna get us out of this mess." John spat back while he tried to fix his jammed gun, Ted held Y/N close to his side not letting them go.

"Hey! I think I have an idea Cap-" Y/N said in a yell over all the noise going around them, all of them turned their attention towards them waiting for what they had to say next. "Let's slow down and face them, this is a wild goose chase that's going nowhere." They yelled again getting Steve's attention.

He scoffed in disapproval, "damn it- NO we can't. We have to keep going- we can lose them somehow..." Steve weakly yelled back at Y/N, feeling unsure with himself.

T̳r̳i̳g̳g̳e̳r̳ ̳f̳i̳n̳g̳e̳r̳s̳ {Tankmen X Reader Captain/Steve/Sniper}Where stories live. Discover now