Villain {Chapter 4}

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Y/N flopped down on the bed with their head hitting against the soft pillows. Y/N eyed the ceiling above them. As tears tracks exited their eyes. "I hate this... so much I can't even relax without overthinking shit," Y/N said awhile wiping their watery eyes against John's black pilot jacket. "Hmm, it smells like him... cigars and whiskey." They cringed at the smell. "Huh. It must have been worn recently." Y/N asked themselves as they sat up from John's bed. Their head perked up, facing towards the nightstand table Y/N reached out their hand forward.

Grabbing their phone and tracker device, taking the two items in their right hand and shoving them down their pocket. Y/N opened the door grabbing the door handle slowly closing the wooden door behind them, which caused a creaky sound. Y/N saw the crowds of military men who walked around the area. As Y/N scanned the area looking for Steve but no luck. So they decide to sit down for a bit at a nearby bench. Y/N nervously started tapping their boot against the ground, as they looked left and right anxiously. As they rubbed their hands together skittishly. Before hearing a chuckle from another man from afar, who walked up towards them. Hearing the crunchy rocky dirt ground hit against his military boots causing Y/N to face him in the eye.

"Hey, it's you again. Should you like be... training? Because if not do something useful." Sniper smirked down at Y/N. As Ted guffawed loudly placing his hands on his hips. Sniper stood tall, a while Y/N stood still sitting on the bench resting their head on top of their knee. "What the hell do you want. And besides, it's none of your goddamn business." Y/N angrily shot back at Ted with displeasure written on their face. It only caused Sniper to laugh out more. "Geez who pissed in your coffee I'm just asking a question," Sniper smirked clicking his tongue against the top of his mouth. Ted, leaned backwards. Kicking a small rock.

"Ha... real funny, give me one good reason why I should talk to you," Y/N spoke as they scoffed at Sniper. Crossing their arms over their chest. Facing away as they looked around behind Ted who was blocking their view trying to find Steve.

"Actually- it's about food. The Captain has a meal waiting for you. Steve is there as well so hurry up. They are waiting for you." Sniper said as he changed into a more calming tone to his voice. Sniper backed away giving Y/N space. As he moved to the side-eyeing their every move. "Ugh... alright Thanks for telling me," Y/N said as they felt their empty stomach. It's been a while since they ate a whole meal. Y/N survived on nothing but canned foods. And a small bottle of water at their disposal.

"Come on follow me," Sniper said waving his hand over as Y/N helplessly followed the taller man. "So, quick question? How long have you been here...? In the military." Y/N asked as Sniper shot a look back at Y/N and quickly look forward. Sniper sighed "uh.. a good 2 years. Why?" Sniper said as he gave Y/N a disgusted look. With his lips in a frown, Y/N laughed "it's just a question. No need to get defensive hothead." Y/N said with a smug smirk,

Sniper grumbled. As the two walked in silence. Sniper walked up the stairs inside the building with Y/N following close behind. "Sir. It's me, I have Y/N. like you wanted." Sniper looked at Y/N and back at his Captain. John happily clapped his hands together. "Great. Now, take a seat. Y/N it's good to see you. You may leave now Sniper." John smiled as he waved over Y/N, making hand gestures. Sniper nodded with no emotion while giving John a quick bow. Leaving the room, closing the door shutting it. As he left, Y/N could hear Ted's footsteps echo from outside the door.

Y/N gave an awkward smile and wave to the two men. Y/N hesitated at first, sighing before walking up to the table. Taking a seat across from John and Steve who were on the left, "Go on Y/N dig in it's a wonderful soup. Don't worry it's nothing gross. If that's what you are thinking." John snickered. Y/N picked up the spoon, taking in a gulp of the beef stew. "Oh wow. Did you make this...?" Y/N asked as they took another gulp of the soup. "Nah not me, I can't cook- it's from one of the chefs. We get boxes of supplies and food every other day. Same with getting water. It's not as bad for other places around the world. What's not helping is the war..." John trailed off as he took in a few tablespoons of the soup followed by Steve.

T̳r̳i̳g̳g̳e̳r̳ ̳f̳i̳n̳g̳e̳r̳s̳ {Tankmen X Reader Captain/Steve/Sniper}Where stories live. Discover now