Seeing the Dead {Chapter 10}

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(A/N I know I just updated this story a few days ago but I couldn't help myself ha,,🏃‍♂️ please enjoy SORRY FOR ANY MISTAKES IM DOING THIS LATE IN THE NIGHT)

"Steve... we should probably get a move on."

Y/N said in a shaken voice, as they slowly let go of Steve's neck. The two got off the red carpet they both fell on. Steve sighed, and awkwardly nodded, "yes- of course... sorry I just wanted to do that so bad." Steve said sheepishly fidgeting his fingers against the strap of the black bag he was holding, "Y/N..." Steve nervously spoke as he leaned against the door hearing footsteps down the hall.

"Shit, shit. The door is locked right?" I spoke in a loud whisper, grabbing my helmet that fell on the ground. Placing it back on my head, Steve nodded "yeah, we should be fine."

Soon the footsteps started to fade away, "ah. We should- get out of here and find John's old office." I sighed as I pulled up my bag placing it around my shoulders. "Follow me, I think I might know where it is. But stay down, stay close to me." Steve smiled as he grabbed my hand unlocking the door, I watched as Steve slowly pushed the door open, trying his best to not make a sound. Steve gave an 'it's okay' silence signal, as he eyed down the hallways.

Nobody was around until we saw a group of soldiers, from down straight ahead from the right side. From my guess probably at least four of them, Steve felt alarmed.

Steve pulled me down the many endless hallways of red carpet floors underneath us, as we speed walked. "Crap, every hallway looks the same I can barely tell from what it looked like before," Steve spoke in heavy pants as we continued to walked down.

Y/N and Steve grew more and more anxious, every time they couldn't find the right door. Or a door that was locked, Steve would end up lock picking it with another tool he had at handy. Steve panicked, acting desperately when they couldn't find the right door or room they both wanted.

Steve tried his best to keep calm but he was scared of getting caught. The two walked down more seemingly endless hallways that lead to nothing or just empty rooms. Until they finally stumbled upon John's old office door but was being guarded by two soldiers.

"Whoa, Steve slow down.." Y/N mumble out as they pulled onto Steve's backpack. Steve mouthed out a quiet 'what' until Y/N pointed out to the obvious two soldiers, one was standing on the right, the other one was standing on the left side of the door opening.

Steve smirked, as he looked down at his throwing knives that were hanging down hooked against his military belt. "We could do a stealth kill... how about that?" Steve asked, turning around facing them making eye contact. Y/N only gave a silent nod, "just watch... and learn cupcake." Steve said smirking at his words, Steve slowly took out his knives bending down and pointing at the two guards.

Steve threw the two knives and it successfully worked, as the knives jabbed them into their throats. I watched in shock as I saw the two men choke on their own blood. Soon they collapsed on the floor bleeding out slowly. "Oh wow... Steve."

I said still in slight shock, something unexpected coming from him. "Come on Y/N, we need to hurry before anyone comes down," Steve spoke his voice having no emotion for a second. I nodded as I watched Steve pick at the lock, soon enough he unlocked it. Hearing the door make a click sound Steve grinned as he opened the door to the office.

"Before we start- here Y/N, help me pick up and move these bodies..." Steve said as he grunted in pain as he dropped the dead body. I saw as Steve clenched his abdomen "Whoa, Steve are you alright?" I asked, feeling concerned for him immediately coming over to his aid.

Steve coughed a couple of times, before speaking fully but still felt like he was going to pass out. "I'm- okay, I'm fine. Don't worry about me... let's keep going." Steve said as he brushed off the topic, picking up one of the dead man's bodies dragging him inside the office.

T̳r̳i̳g̳g̳e̳r̳ ̳f̳i̳n̳g̳e̳r̳s̳ {Tankmen X Reader Captain/Steve/Sniper}Where stories live. Discover now