Depuis le début

I breathed deeply and raised my head to the ceiling, "—I have nothing!" I sighed, "You first."

"Okay." Donald thought for a moment, "I do—improv."

"That is it?!" I was disappointed! "That's ridiculous!"

"You expected something better?" Donald laughed.

"Yes, I did expect something better!"

"I'm sorry if my choice of entertainment doesn't sit well with you."

"Mm, apology accepted," I nodded. "You seem to always be interested in the weird stuff, what's the story?"

"As I said, I was never a good kid..."

Donald was listing things and moving around the kitchen with aptitude, he knew the precise position of everything, there was no need to check.

With every movement he made, his muscles flexed and the shirt gave more room to his chest on full display. The first two buttons that were already loose weren't enough, the third screamed at me to take it out.

Not only did my taste buds savor the nice taste of Apple martini, my eyes were having a good time as well.

I felt a cold hand on my chin and almost jumped down. Donald slowly raised my head to meet his gaze from across the island. Currently, I was completely mesmerized and fine with any part I looked at, as long as it was Donald's body.

His eyes pulled me in faster than the ocean tides and I couldn't care less about whatever it is he was saying, but one sentence got me thinking.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer."

I cocked my head a little, wondering the meaning of that statement, and realized when he stood back straight and subtly flexed his muscles again, silently mocking me for shamelessly brooding.

I blinked countless times and looked away, sipping on my glass.

"Do you always ignore people when they speak?" Donald asked.

"Ah. It's a guilty pleasure," I nodded.

Donald leaned closer on the counter, "do you always undress males with your eyes?"

"Only the guiltily handsome ones." I tried using humor to cover my mess up and it didn't go unnoticed but Donald laughed hard. I couldn't help my chuckles.

"Are you tagging me guiltily handsome?" He stood straight and folded his arms.

I shrugged.

Amusement danced in Donald's eyes as he watched me on end, then he spoke. "If I stole a kiss, will you smack me senseless?"

"What?!" I was taken aback.

"I said," he untied his apron, dropped it aside, and slowly started turning to my side of the island. "If I stole a kiss—what will be your reaction?" Donald stopped by my side and stared down at me.

I noticed the slight smirk on his face and decide to pull some strings. Tilting my head higher, I said, "why don't you find out."

Donald blinked, but slowly started closing the gap between our faces. I realized I pulled the exact string I wanted and closed my eyes waiting in anticipation; but the kiss never came.

When I slowly opened my eyes to check, I felt Donald's warm lips on my forehead.

Instantly, my toes curled and I felt something in the pit of my stomach. I couldn't find the appropriate words to express, but it was a different emotion. I don't remember having been kissed on my forehead before and sensed things beyond those lips.

Donald retracted and I slowly placed a hand on that spot; but he wasn't done, he kissed it again with my hand under. I raised my head to look him in the eye and he was waiting for me.

He never wanted to kiss my lips, he had other plans in mind.

Rubbing my temple wondering, I raised an eyebrow. Donald smiled and cupped my cheek, he again kissed my temple. Thoughtful, I touched the other side and he kissed it. I tapped both cheeks and got the same treatment.

Finally smirking, I touched my lips.


"Will somebody answer that phone?!" Margaux's voice boomed from the grand stairs, looking down at me.

It was late at night and I came back to the house to get the drive Jo asked of me long ago against her story.

No one was close to answer the phone and seems it has been ringing for long on end.

"Hello?!" I picked it up and waited but the person didn't speak, I only heard the background noise. For sure I had better things to do and little time on my hands. If this person wouldn't speak, dropping the line I wouldn't hesitate to do and will give me great satisfaction!...

"Hello? Is this my daughter Ellen's home?


I knew that voice.

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