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Y'all if this chapter has many errors please pardon me, it is not thoroughly edited. And feel free to point them out for me.

The game house had the weirdest name ever 'Les Vieux Retirement Home': 'The Oldies Retirement Home', and only on entering did I know why. It was an actual retirement home.

 Donald played bingo with Oldies.

I was in shock but came back when there was a tug on my hand as Donald introduced me. "This is Ms. Ellen Carson," he said to the old ladies that surrounded us.

"Such beauty she is! Tu as un bon oeil ma chérie: you have a good eye dear." She said, I choked.

"I do," Donald looked at me and nodded.

"Vous Allez bien ensemble : You guys look good together." Another joined, I died.

"You'll make beautiful kids." The third added, I rose from beyond and died again.

"I think we should leave Ms. Carson alone now," Donald saved me. "Where is Uncle?" He asked the ladies.

"Bingo hall, go say Hi." She answered.

"I will later, Ellen..."

"Nonsense! Go say Hi, we will stay with Ms. Carson."

"Great!" Donald clapped his hand and stepped away. I moved with him, a smile on my face but the eyes begged otherwise. He just smiled at me, touched my hand, and winked before departing.

"Come on Hon. Allons boire un verre ; let's get a drink."

This area is separate from their bingo hall. Here was more like a party, with the bright light and low music. The party was populated by old people dancing. And this got me thinking what got Donald involved with this age grade.

What would suggest old people still drank alcohol. The ladies took me to the bar and gave me a cup. I took a sip and must say, the stuff old people drink is better than what we get nowadays.

"It is good right?" She asked.


"That's from when the word Wine had a meaning," another said.

"It is good stuff," the third insisted.

"It is," I concurred and looked up.

My eyes found Donald's from across the room as he came into sight with an old man by his side, he looked away and continued talking to the man.

Donald looked back at me and looked at himself. He touched his face and checked behind. Only then did I realize I've been staring far too long. I looked away stifling a smile and heard giggles around me.

"He's become more entertaining since I last saw him," the third said. I raised an eyebrow and looked at them.

"You know, out of them all you are the first he has brought to us," she said.

"Brought to you? He brought me for a bingo game." I  corrected.

They all laughed like I said something really funny. "For a bingo game, he sure did," another commented and wiped fake tears. "Who brings a lady for a bingo game?"

They make me rethink my purpose here, we did come for a bingo game didn't we?

"Allons-y Alors ; let's go then, I don't want to be here anymore, he's coming!" They scurried away, giggling like little girls as Donald approached.

Standing tall in front of me, Donald opened his mouth to talk but closed it. He smirked and leaned sideways on the counter I was on.

"Do you find me attractive?" He said.

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