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Hey, this chapter might be a little rough around the edges. Sorry, I was half asleep when I wrapped it up.
Chapter ten, let's go.

"I want to go on a date with you" he announced as we were going back from lunch.

"Do you always demand things from people, does it work?" I asked shaken by his direct approach.

"Not really" he shrugged

"You should try being nice, soft and gentle. Then maybe your act will overshadow your arrogance"

"Okay then, soft, nice and gentle how about this: you are sharp around the edges, you are just as arrogant as I am but don't want to accept it, you don't  seem to care about other people or their feelings and you need to get your mouth washed....." He started,

He is crazy.

"But in all a beautiful, bold, successfully independent, strong witted and confident young lady that I would love to get to know better and have a date with on Friday night by seven PM." He finished, looking straight into my eye without batting an eyelid.

oh, honey mouthed ay, not bad.

I smiled widely but just opened the door and stepped out as we had reached my company building.

"Is that a yes?" he asked. But I continued going. "Ellen come on" he shouted again at my back.

At the door, I stopped and looked back at him, he was out of the car taking slow strides towards me, I just waved him goodbye and entered.

Inside I did a three-sixty turn, forgetting it is a glass building, he could still see me.

Comporting myself I gave a slight nod of greeting to the receptionist and made for the elevator.

The rest of the day I passed behind my desk with my head buried in papers.


This late Tuesday morning I was in my office doing my normal office work when Landre entered with a bouquet of roses and a small basket.

"Whoop! seems like someone has a boyfriend I don't know about," Landre remarked excitedly.

"What are those for?" I asked confused

"You tell me. I didn't know you had a boyfriend" he questioned.

"That makes two of us. Who is it from?"

"You don't know who it's from?..secret admirer, that's even better".

"What's in it, no card?" I asked taking it from him and dropped on the table.

"Well check it!" He exclaimed. Taking out a chocolate bar from the basket and opening it.

"I will!". I searched in the basket and found nothing then searched around the flowers and found a small card.

"Is it a yes?" Was all it read.

Immediately knowing who it was from, I shook my head and sighed. Landre noticing my movement and asked

"Who's it from"

"No idea, this is all that's written on it" I lied and handed him the card. Twenty-one questions I do not want.

He read the note and looked at me confused but dropped it and resumed eating the chocolate.

"I thought that was my chocolate," I asked. He just smiled took two more out of the basket and left

I looked around and dropped the bouquet on the table at one corner of the office started on the chocolates and resumed work, intentional not acknowledging that I got the gifts by not calling Donald.


This time around it was a bigger bouquet and bigger basket with a big panda Teddy bear sitting in my chair with the words 'is it a yes' embroidered across the chest I received.

This was something else, so I gave Donald a call

"Hello!" He sing sang on answering.

"Are you serious?!!" I asked

"What happened?"

"Do you have no respect for someone's works space, this is harassment, I can sue you for this, it should be the last one because I do not want to get my lawyer involved" I shouted into the receiver and disconnected the call at the end, not waiting for a reply.

Angrily, I walked over to my chair, picked the bear up and place it on the sofa, then threw the flowers in the trash and dropped the chocolate basket on the floor beside the table.


As I came out of the elevator on Thursday morning, crossing the work area to take the other elevator leading to my office, I noticed the mischievous eyes on me and a sly smile that graced the lips of every person I passed.

But just shook the feeling off, said good mornings and entered the elevator.

Stepping into my office I was taken aback by the wonderful scent of flowers, turning my head to the source, the right end corner of my office was not even mine anymore.

It was a sight to see, ranging from different baskets tied with red ribbons, teddies of different sizes and colours. The corner was filled up with varieties that I was frozen, analysing with mouth open, all of which took up the whole corner.

"Is it a yes?" Someone asked behind.

I turned to see Donald sitting in my chair looking at me.

"I said I could sue you for this," I remarked.

"Ellen you should know that I am the law, I'll take my chances but then, I won't give up, I'll do this till you say yes. So your call what's it going to be" he said.

I thought about it for some time and decided.

"Fine! but just dinner don't expect anything else"

"Lovely" he stood up smiling from ear to ear and took long strides to me.

"I'll pick you up tomorrow by seven" he concluded.

"No, You send me the address, I'll be there"

"On your terms aye" he continued smiling and got on the elevator.
"Have a nice day Mademoiselle Carson"

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