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This chapter is dedicated to boatemaa16 - thanks for your support dear.

Chapter six, let's go.


Margaux was surprised when we got home and didn't do very good hiding it, I rarely had guests over.

She excused herself to go tell Delroy to serve for three and tell the cleaners to arrange two rooms for the guests.

Enough things had happened already and we were all exhausted. Margaux showed the girls their rooms but it wasn't ready yet so they came back and met me going at a bottle of Rosé at the bar. Renee took a glass and poured herself a little.

Delroy announced dinner a little later, but I asked mine to be taken to my room, they both did the same.


I woke due to the sun rays on my face because of the open curtains. I searched around my bed with closed eyes for the remote and closed it, but that did me no good, I was already awake.

I got out of bed, put on my furry slippons, and went out. I ran into Margaux in the living room, she pointed me to the kitchen for Jo but Renee wasn't out yet.

In the kitchen Jo was already eating something and chatting away with Delroy, she still wore her bathrobe from last night and with the bed hair, I'd say she isn't particular about looking nice right now.

"And I quote 'the greatest thing in the world is to know how to belong to one's self' "Delroy spoke in thick French accent imitating some 'Professeur de français'.

"Savez-Vous qui a dit cela? : Do you know who said that?" He asked.

"René Descartes?" Jo guessed while smiling.

"No," he shook his head slightly and laughed, "Michel de Montaigne. Do you understand what he means?"

"No idea." Jo chuckled.

"Me neither." Delroy laughed.

Then he noticed me at the door,
"Mademoiselle come in, please join us," Delroy spoke out gesturing to the long stool beside Jo.

"Bonjour mademoiselle," Jo smiled at me teasingly.

"Morning Jo, good morning Delroy," I smiled at Delroy.

"Bonjour Madame," he bowed slightly.

"So what's happening here?" I hopped on the stool and looked at Jo's plate.

"Madame, I must say Votre ami est assez sage, intelligente et Plein d' humor: Madame, I must say your friend is pretty wise, intelligent, and humorous," he praised Jo.

"Thanks, Delroy, if only there were more people like you, this world would be a better place," and Jo savored every bit of it.

"But unfortunately, there are more of your kind," I muttered under my breath but loud enough to be heard by both.

"And your kind. Bummer huh?" Jo replied, smirking wildly.

I chuckled and this time choose to ignore it. I stood up, went around for a fork, and dived into Jo's plate. As expected it was heavenly, it looked normal but I could swear I tasted mango inside. I took a few more spoons and went for juice.

"Renee?" I asked Jo.

"Haven't seen her," was her reply.

"Margaux, could you please call the masseuse to come in today and tell the cleaners to prepare the spa," I stopped Margaux as she passed by.

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