The walls he built

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Luciel was healing nicely after she explained exactly why she couldn't have returned sooner and in return Kaz said nothing..that troubled Luciel as she had just opened up to him which she did not do easily, she didn't even like opening up to people she didn't want their pity..but she couldn't help feeling hurt as Kaz simply nodded and limped away not sharing what happened to him...

Luciels POV

I watched from the bed as I ate my food..Kaz was sitting at his desk his food now cold and long forgotten about, I've only seen him drink coffee the whole time I've been here.
As I'm eating he's doing paperwork writing and writing the mounds of paperwork sitting at his desk, sometimes he'll call Amadeus in handing him contracts or deals that need to be collected. Amadeus would accept them and give Kaz's covered shoulder a gentle pat and Kaz..he would relax the tiniest bit before going back to his paperwork.

"You should eat."

I say as Amadeus leaves the room.

"I'm fine."

Is the only answer I get back, a quick and sharp answer which makes me recalibrate for a minute..the Kaz I knew would never sound like that, but this isn't the Kaz I used to know.
I leaned over to the desk sliding him my plate of food-no response not even a glance.

I said again trying to at least get some Interaction back, he spared me a tiny glance as he dipped his quill back into the ink and kept writing.

"I'm fine.."

Was all I got back, so I did something I know bothered him to beyond belief, I studied him. I scanned the way his gloved hands wrote i didn't miss the constant shaking, or when he would stop and grip the pen tightly as his hand seemed to have a mind of its own and he was trying to suppress it, he seemed to notice and stopped writing his eyes still glued to his paperwork as he spoke.

"What is it?"

A simple response but I called that a victory.

"Was that so hard? What's wrong is you haven't eaten the whole time I've been here."

I said a lighthearted but concerned tone in my words as he seemed to be questioning my words before going back to writing.

"I'm not hungry."

I sighed studying his face once more trying to find a glimpse of emotion behind his eyes and saw nothing..he built walls up everywhere that I couldn't even find a crack or even  a tiny patch I could look behind..he built walls from me..I tore them down before but now he just built them higher and stronger up.

"Kaz what happened to you?"

I immediately regretted what I said knowing I was pushing too hard but my body said what my mind was thinking and I couldn't take it back now, he stopped writing his gaze went to his hands almost as if they were the answer.

"Too much."

...too much, too much was his only answer as he began writing after a small pause..but he didn't know he gave me what I needed to start to uncover what happened, whatever happened his hands played a big part, whatever happened caused his fear of touch and caused his hands to shake..I will find out what happened soon..either from him or my own resources. I stood up from the bed into the other room where Amadeus was checking off who's contract was up.

"Madeus..what happened?"
I asked hoping he would give me some answers, he looked to me then to Kaz sadly his voice softer then I've ever heard.

"Too much."

Was all he responded as he gave me a soft look.

"He built walls Luc...stronger then I've ever seen, it took me months to get the full story out of him-and after he did he just built more walls then he had before..I'm lucky I'm as close as I am because luc- he's changed...from when I met him to now...I've only seen him vulnerable maybe twice, I wish you luck."

Amadeus said to me as he gave Kaz one last look before walking downstairs to collect the kruge Kaz was owed.
I looked to Kaz and saw he actually stopped writing and started to lightly twirl his crows head in circles..I didn't miss how his club was named the "Crow Club" and his cane a gold crow head attached to a fabricated handle. I also didn't miss how at the mention of Jordie he was tense in...fear? His eyes would grow hard his body almost in a defensive posture at any mention of him, I made a silent vow.

"I promise you Kaz..I promised Jordie and I intended to keep this promise, I will protect you Kaz Rivtfield I will help you take down these walls you built and I'll help kill Pekka Rollins...I'll always be by your side my dove."

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