Deep deep waters

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Kaz was once again reunited with Luciel, but he knew that she deserved answers and he couldn't move on with her unless he gave them to her..he knew he would have to go back into the deep deep cold waters that haunted him wherever he went...

3rd POV flashback

Kaz's tiny, sobbing body held onto the floating corpse of Jordie, Kaz's big brother, the only parental figure he had in his life, the one who taught him to love that taught him to be a kid..was gone.

"J Jordie! J Jordie wake up! Wake up! J j JORDIE!"

Kaz's yells and sobs and cries were unheard by the dead no seeing eyes of his big brothers corpse as they floated in the freezing ocean and little Kaz kicked and kicked and kicked as hard as he could with his one working leg, oh he prayed, he prayed and prayed to the saints above to save him, bring his brother back-and his prayers went unanswered and THERE started the decline of Kaz Rivtfields hope.

1 week later

Kaz had grown hungry, hungry to all belief he could barley keep his eyes open could barely even move his body it only moved when he tightened his already weak grip onto Jordie's rotting body his own body shaking and numb with cold. And once again he closed his eyes asking the saints for help and once again-his prayers went unanswered.

Week 2

Kaz has been kicking and kicking for hours, days? He didn't know anymore. He couldn't tell each painful second from another- he knew there was almost nothing left of Jordie and if he kept this up for another 2 weeks he would surely drown. And again for the thousandths time he prayed-no he BEGGED the saints to save him to bring his brother back..and no one answered.

1 1/2 later

Kaz was limp ontop of what was left of Jordie's body...his hair falling into his eyes his leg gone numb long ago his body burning with white hot pain..he almost gave up before he saw, he thought he was hallucinating until he realized he wasn't, he started kicking, kicking and kicking till the waves carried him the rest of the way..he flopped onto the shore coughing and coughing the smell finally hitting him-he looked to Joride one last time and immediately gagged-it wasn't joride anymore. He let his head fall into the sand soaking it with tears as he slipped in and out of consciousness. He thought he felt someone feel for a pulse which made him feel like vomiting right then and there-then he heard fisherman..relief is what he felt as they crouched by him and he passed out cold.

At the hospital
Kaz woke up groggily and painfully his blood rushing his head pounding his leg throbbing with uncontrollable pain..and then he felt it-skin on skin, he immediately bolted up and away from the curious hands.

"GET AWAY FROM ME!! S stop!"

The doctors and nurses back up hands in surrender as Kaz stood up despite his body's extreme protests and walked out of that hospital..he walked and walked and limped and limped till he had to stop..he backed into a alleyway onto a crate and cried-cried and cried for the loss of his brother..his face in his hands he felt his hands shaking..he took them away from his hands to find them twitching and shaking sometimes jolting with uncontrollable movements.

"Nerve damage..n nerve damage"

He never thought he would have incurable nerve damage from the cold in his hands at 14...he knew this could affect his life of crime miserably, but he had to do with what he had because now...he had no one...he stopped by a local informant on Luciel but got word she was dead...Kaz couldn't bring himself to accept 2 losses in a he stood up-brushed himself off and limped away into the darkness with a vow.

"I will kill you Pekka Rollins..I will destroy you and everything you stand for..and I won't hesitate to make you suffer."

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