The parting of Rivtfield

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Luciel Farhley and Kazian Rivtfield where the most feared criminals in all of ketterdam, even though they were only 14 they were feared by many. Alakazam "kaz's" brother Jordie was the tame one and the oldest one amongst them. He would always make sure that he knew what Luc and Kaz were feeling, now Kaz was indeed a sociopath but not in the way many would think. He knew how to handle emotions and were in touch with his feelings but he saw no need to express or showcase them in any means...that was until he realized he was in love with Luciel, and Luciel was in love with him. One day Jordie and Kaz were scraping the streets for any money they could find until someone named Hartzoon decided to offer them a deal-well it wasn't really a offer, it was either accept or be killed, Kaz obviously accepted but not because they would be was because they were getting paid. It was that day when they went on the ship it all came crashing down...they were missing for weeks and weeks until they were presumed dead to Luciel, she was grief stricken and mortified...but she didn't know what really happened.

3rd POV
Kaz clung to the soaking wet and bloated body of Jordie Rivtfield, delirious and weak from fever and plaque he held on and screamed as loud as he could at the ship


No one heard littles Kaz's cries...
He started swimming as fast and as much as his weakened legs could carry him, his one leg throbbing with his limp that never quite healed.

Kaz's POV
I held on as tight as I could to Jordie as we floated and swam...hours and hours passed and I got weaker and weaker, as the hours went by I could feel the slippery, and rotting flesh of my brother Jordie, all I wished was for him to open his eyes and tell me it was ok and I would be fine..but dam my realistic thinking as I know that Jordie isn't waking up...

Days passed and I finally saw shore, I kicked and kicked keeping my eyes away From Jordie face as I kicked and kicked and o tumbled onto the shore my hand still holding onto  Jordies wet crumbled shirt. I looked around my visón blurred, my whole body shivering and sore my leg gone numb from pain, I heard shouts of fisher men on the shoreline, I knew help was coming-and passed out cold.

3rd POV
Fishermen hurriedly brought kaz to the hospital not even sure if the boy was alive...the body he was found with was left to rot and float away into the sea. Kaz awoke screaming and kicking threatening ANYONE who came near him...he showed himself out of the hospital and just limped away as he thought..thought as best as he could the soreness still spreading through his body, he managed to pickpocket about 5 kruge and bought some bread-but as soon as his skin brushed against the kind lady's hand as she handed him the bread he jolted back the feeling of rotting flesh filling his senses.

He bought a cheap pair of black gloves that would leak dye if wet but they would do until the managed to get better made gloves. But the gloves didn't matter...all that mattered was that Kaz got revenge on the man who murdered his brother, and NO ONE escapes revenge in the Barrel.

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