The "new" normal

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After Luciel saw Jordie's ghost for a first time she was shaken...but she was more shaken to notice that Kaz was accustomed to it, how will she find out that he's been hearing voices long before he could be seen?

3rd Person POV
Luciel was on edge leaned against the wall he'd fingers drumming on her knives that were tightly tucked away under her waistcoat that she could swiftly and quickly reach if needed, Kaz sat at his desk as usual his usually gelled back hair was falling into his face from his hands running through it constantly..this would be a normal sight to Luciel if it wasn't for Jordie's ghost sitting right behind Kaz whispering unintelligible things as his physical appearance flickered from a good looking teenager to a half decayed body...this was obviously upsetting Kaz as his usual shaking hands were clenched tightly in fists straining against the comforting leather of his gloves, she didn't miss that he was so tense and on high alert he looked like he was ready to bolt out the window and knowing Kaz-he would.

"Let's go downstairs Dove Amadeus might need us to go to the market and get spices for her club tonight."
Luciel suggested her tone gentle but she still kept her fingers tracing her knife handles.

Kaz looked up and nodded a yes as he stood up from his chair non too gracefully as he reached for his coat, He paused mid reach and a full body shudder passed through him as Jordie walked by putting his ghostly hand on Kaz's shoulder and brushing past him giving Luciel a sickly sweet smile.

"Have fun at the mArkEt..see you wHen yOu get bAcK."
Jordie said his voice distorting at certain words as Kaz fumbled grabbing his coat and cane hurriedly limping down the stairs as Luciel followed keeping Jordie in the corner of her eyesight.
As they got downstairs Amadeus took one look at Kaz and sighed but didn't make a remark.

"You two going out to the market? If you are we need some more cinnamon sticks.."
Amadeus said risking Luciel a glance as he finished his sentence, after Kaz had his freak outs Amadeus gave luc a secret two words "Cinnamon sticks" to let her know he needs to be calmed down.

"Sure thing Madeus we'll be back before you know it."
Luciel said with a nod and a smile as she led Kaz out the door and into the streets of The Barrel, when you saw the Demjin and the viper walking the streets you knew you clear a path and don't spare a second glance, and for that Kaz was glad so no one would notice the tremble in his body and his faltering steps as they slowly walked down to the market but they didn't stop there as Luciel led him to a clear and quiet field which faintly smelled of cinnamon.

"We passed the market luc."
Kaz said quietly in his usual raspy tone.

"I know we can get the things we need on the way back."
Luciel responded her gloved hand entwining with his as she softly sat down waiting for him to sit next to her, and that's what he did he slowly sat down with a grimace as he stretched out his bad leg his hand still holding onto hers.

"Kaz why does Jordie..b being there and talking to you not seem to surprise you?"
Luciel asked turning her head to face his always being able to read his emotions from his face.

"It's not the only time I've heard his voice, seen his body wherever I look...just because I always do doesn't mean I'm ok with it."
Kaz said sharply and straight to the point his jaw tight his eyes avoiding any eye contact.

"Kaz..I'm so sorry-"

"I don't need pity...I n need him to go away."
Kaz said his eyes flickering to luciels, to the ground, then back up to Luciel's.

"We'll get through his Kaz I promise...w we'll find a way to make him go away..together."


So sorry for the late latteee chapter, lmk what you think🖤

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