The trip across

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The crows had set out to seemingly do the impossible, find a way across the fold without delay and kidnap General Kirigan, Luciel was hesitant to take this job no matter how much it paid. Kidnapping someone on suspicion they may be a heretic that died years ago seemed to be pretty shaky, and Kaz doesn't do shaky jobs...but now that Pekka Rollins is on the job and it's about the Black Heretic, Kaz isn't thinking clearly, he doesn't care if he's real or not, just as long as he gets paid..and beats Pekka Rollins.

3rd person POV

Kaz and Luciel set off into the Barrel to try and find a way to get across the fold and report it back to Dreesen before midnight, they knew Pekka Rollins didn't have a way across or it would be news all across Ketterdam by now. Kaz knew there were people in the crow club that had come from Ravka and had to cross the fold to get to Ketterdam, but he didn't trust the ways they had come across. The Conductor was a common and almost famous name around Ketterdam and across the fold, him and General Zlatan were the only two people who profited off the fold couldn't be any barrel thug, there wasn't a crime they wouldn't commit for the right price.

The three of them ended up at the docks across from the fold where cartographers and 2nd army soldiers were loaded onto skiffs and set across the fold to West Ravka or to Fjerda, Kaz stopped short and leaned against one of the light poles that stood tall by the skiffs to 'scout' the area but Luciel knew his leg was killing him, and he needed to take a break but his ego would never let him admit it. They all stood there quietly but on alert for a few minutes until Kaz seemed to squint his eyes and tilt his head forward standing straighter then he had before.

"What is it boss? What do you see?"
Amadeus asked looking in the same direction Kaz was.

" least not yet."
Kaz responded as he pointed a gloved finger into the distance at the far end of the dock.

"That skiff at the end the one with the black sail? It's not a normal skiff, it has guards around it and..and it has the mark of the 2nd army, if I'm correct that skiff is leaving in the morning for East Ravka...and that will lead us right to the Black General."
Kaz explained his voice becoming more and more sure of himself as he figured it out as he went along.

"You mean we cross the fold on that skiff?!"
Luciel asked turning to look at Kaz then Amadeus.

"Yes...we need to tell Dreeson we have a way across before someone spots us out here and figures it out."
Kaz said tilting his hat down before turning and walking back the way they had come mere minutes before, Madeus and Luc followed both casting weary looks at each other and Kaz's back, they arrived at Dreeson's mansion and were reluctantly let in by the guards..Kaz had promised them an incentive if they let them in without hassle, and sure enough a sack of kruge was thrown to one of the guards with a sentence of.

"Split it evenly."

And Kaz and the rest were already closing the door behind them and making their way to Dreesen's office, they walked in as Dreesen looked up at them and after one look up and down he said.

"One look and I can tell..criminals."
Dreesen said as he stood up from his chair the two security behind him standing straight their hands on their belts.

"Doesn't matter what we are, what matters is we have a way across the fold..little bird told me you were looking for a crew to cross the fold safely, and bring back the Black General..."
Kaz stated his eyes scanning the room, the way the security had their hands on their belts their fingers itching for a fight, the way Dreesen also kept his one arm curled at his side obviously carrying a weapon of his own probably personalized very richly as he could afford it.

Dreesen looked at Kaz a small smirk of amusement on his face.

"Confirms my statement before...criminals, the message was meant for others but you are the first people tonight to come to me with a way across the fold, mind sharing that with me?"
Dreesen asked his arm leaving his side so both of them could eat flat against his desk his firearm no longer in immediate reach.

"So word can get out about our way across and come tomorrow when we set off on our way it's gone I don't think so Dreesen..what I can tel you is it's secure and safe, guarded and will be guarded on the way back when we have the package."
Kaz said moving into a more relaxed position his hands resting on his crows head his bad leg in front of his good one seeming to look as if he was the one in control, Luciel saw his stance change and immediately looked to Dreesen.

"He's right you know, we scouted it's fast and efficient, if anything you'll have your package in a day or two...maybe a week or two but you'll have him without a scratch on him."
Luciel interjected leaning her weight more to the side on the wall mimicking Kaz's stance. They have done this many times before to seemingly take control of the situation when it wasn't stable, and it always made the opponent give up role of control to them without even realizing.

Amadeus noticed and cleared his throat getting into a forced relaxed position but saying nothing, Dreesen looked between the three of them and looked down at the ground.

Kaz thought to himself as a small smile made his mouth curve to the side, he knew he now had control over the room and Dreesen.

"Alright...if your true to your word, I'll mark the job as taken so no one else give you some competition..competition would mean the package will arrive damaged."

He reached his hand out towards Kaz the security in the back no longer itching for a fight.

"Nice doing business with you Mr Brekker."

Kaz looked down at his hand as he reached out grasping his hand in his giving it a firm shake.

"Pleasure is all mine."

Kaz said and no one could miss the mock tone in his voice as they turned to leave.

"Now how are we getting on that skiff tomorrow boss?"

Amadeus piped up as they finally reached outside the gates.

"Is that uncertainty I hear Madeus? I'm hurt."
Kaz responded sarcasm lacing his voice.

"To be fair dove I don't even know what plan you've conjured in that head of yours."
Luciel said moving to walk right beside him, Kaz just shook his head a ghost of a smile on his lips.

"Crows trust their leader, I always have a plan and I'll explain once we get back to the club, I don't want anyone hearing us out in the open."

"Do you have a plan or a plan for the plan that isn't complete yet?"
Luciel asked her hand gently sliding into his hidden by his long coat.

Kaz held her gloved hand in his as they walked.

"I have a plan...I have a plan."

The crows have a plan to cross the fold and bring back the Black General, it's hectic, dangerous, and more extreme then anything they've ever's just what they like.

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