The plan

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Kaz, Luciel, and Amadeus all arrived back to the Crow Club and climbed the many stairs up to Kaz's office leaving Anika to guard the door while the Crows discussed the plan to cross the fold.

3rd Person POV

Kaz heaved a sigh as he finally stepped up the last step to his office, the stairs were hell on his leg and Luciel and Amadeus knew it. But Kaz found that he liked the whole top floor for himself and Luciel liked the crows that she insisted on feeding when they perched on the roof every morning, she even convinced him to let them keep one named 'Edgar' and Kaz seemed to grow quite fond of him, he was going soft...oh well, only with those two.

Kaz sat down at his desk chair as usual as Luc perched on the edge of his desk while Amadeus flopped down on the small couch a couple feet away from his desk which the entrance to his bedroom was a couple steps away. His room was small but it was his, his and Luciels.

"Kruge for your thoughts Kaz?"
Luciel asked turning so she faced him directly but her legs were still swinging off the edge of his desk.

"We all know that skiff is leaving tomorrow sometime in the morning or afternoon, they don't leave them out revealed like that unless they are departing soon..the black sails and the symbol on them clearly state their 2nd army soldiers but the color of the sail reveal to us the are heading straight to the Black Generals camp."
Kaz explained his hands on-top of his golden crow head his cane settled in-between his knees.

"Their guards not soldiers...soldiers go on normal skiffs and work their way to the camp when they reach Ravka, the guards in training go on a special skiff and get discreet transport to the camp."
Luciel interjected her eyebrows furrowed as she remembered.

Kaz smirked as he looked at her his head tilted slightly in a way she knew as affectionate.
"This is why I only trust you two, now knowing their guards there's no way Pekka will even try to board that skiff, him and the Dime Lions are too recognizable even to Ravkan troops."

Luciel and Amadeus nodded before he spoke up.

"And I'm guessing all the details will be discovered while the plan is in motion?"
Amadeus asked slouching forward which was recognizable as he was tired, or itching for a gambling night.

"You know me so well..I'll discuss them in the morning so it's not so last minute."
Kaz said his rasp making his sarcasm even more pronounced as he gave Amadeus a small nod.

"Goodnight boss."
Madeus said tipping his hat to Kaz then Luciel before he headed down the stairs a gleam in his eye telling them it'll be a long night for him and the fellow gamblers that resides in the Crow Club.
Luciel looked to Kaz and immediately recognized his scheming face, his head tilted slightly his eyes in a slightly unfocused look his hand absentmindedly tracing his crows head.

"Come now my dove, none of that tonight..if you want this to be a success you need to sleep."
Luciel spoke up reaching her hand over to gently card through his gelled back hair letting it loosen up, Kaz made a acknowledged hum his eyes slowly closing as she continued her hand movement.

"I need to make sure this is secure."
Kaz said his stone on stone voice seemed softer as he spoke.

"You can work it out in the morning dove you said so yourself...and when is any job of ours is secure?"
She said a small smile on her face as she knew she could use his own words against him, Kaz opened his eyes to look up at her her hand loosening the strands of hair from the gel trap he had atop his head.

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