Chapter Twenty-Four

Start from the beginning

Once his bout of agony finished, he grabbed the hem of his shirt and wiped his face. He turned around. His friends cowered in the corner, quivering with fear. He understood. Had he been in their position, he would have been scared himself. Not even his own parents had seen him in such a state.

"I-I'm sorry," he apologized. "I just, I just..."

Eddie sighed. He did not know what to say. No amount of apologies could remove the scars they might have gotten from watching his outburst.

Stella approached him with slow steps. Her mouth was half-open as she contemplated her next words. At last, she spoke, "Do you want a hug?"

He nodded.

She knelt next to him. He buried his face in her shoulder and wept as they embraced. She patted his back in an attempt to console him. He slowed his breathing. Though it grew more stable, it was still rather shaky.

"I failed her, I failed her," he murmured. "I promised her that I will save her. I promised her that everything will be back to normal. I promised her. I never broke a promise to her."

"It's okay. You did all you can."

Jon trod hesitantly towards them, still unsure of what to say. He only stood nearby and watched. His stare wandered before lingering on the ground. He then said, "I think I know where the cure is."

They both looked at him. "You do?" Eddie asked.

"Some of your tears are glowing." Jon pointed at the soil around him. "They're forming an arrow."

Eddie and Stella stood up and glanced at the ground beneath them. The area moistened by his tears was gleaming like a diamond in the dark, its sparkles forming a pattern: an arrow. Eddie gasped; there was hope!

"Wait," Jon said, "I have an idea."

He opened his palms and swung his arms. Water gushed forth from his fingers and flooded the riverbed. A series of arrows sprang into existence, pointing in the direction of the river.

Eddie bolted at once, nearly slipping and stumbling on the wettened surface. Jon and Stella caught up with him. The three of them sprinted side by side as they followed the path. The riverbanks closed in on them as the channel narrowed. Eddie waved his right arm. Fwoom. At the river's mouth was a rock, its smooth surface free of any crevices or pores. He wondered what it was doing there—were they supposed to move it?

Once they had arrived at the mouth of the river, they climbed out of the riverbed and stood by the rock. Stella stared at the ceiling. "Look."

The two boys followed her gaze. Glowing crystals grew above them, each one a different shade of blue or green.

"They spell out something," Stella revealed. She squinted at them. "It says, 'To save the one you hold dear, shed your blood, sweat, and tears.' "

"Well I've already shed plenty," Eddie said. "Not sure if I have any left."

"I can collect them."

With a swish of his wrist, Jon extracted tears from Eddie's eyes. Eddie closed his eyelids immediately, for it felt like his eyeballs were almost yanked from their sockets.

"I can give my blood. I can heal myself anyway," Jon said. He scoped the area for a sharp stone.

Eddie reached into his bag and retrieved a pocket knife. He handed it to Jon. "Here."

"You have that in your bag?" Stella asked.

"I carry it with me everywhere, just in case."

Jon unfolded a blade from the pocketknife and slashed his arm. Blood dripped from the cut.

The Hidden World of Nitea [2 | The Other Realms Series]Where stories live. Discover now