The Best Policy

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At some point, Candela's cranial calamities became too much. It was probably the abrupt awakening of all of Team Conscience by one of the so-called "Banshee's" screams that one night, but there were plenty of competitors. The tiny tufts of fuchsia hair are found in places. The bruises collect on one hand, and the dents build in the other. The captain's calls of the void beyond the campground that Kolvyr and his household's dining table comprised. The not-noticeable-by-big-eyes blanching of her face when the said head of the household curiously asked if the team had a nice sleep the morning after her yelp before heading out. It was a mess, and outside of saving her sanity to pilot them home one day, Candela needed to be cared for before she ultimately crumbled.

It took some ingenious planning on everyone's part, including getting Lemon, Candela's loveable mutt also along for the ride, away from her companion via a certain, colossal caretaker's own, just-as-large domestic beast, the 'beoda' Fen. Eventually, after a series of sudden events, bookended by Kiyoko giving an Oscar win of a lie out her ass with Sol clamping the ladies together and him ultimately detaching an essence of Candela's soul from her by literally plucking her arm off, Kolvyr had the tiny trio off in private where a finally tenderized Candela confessed her sins to her sizable savior, of which Kiyoko and Sol both confirmed as planned. The giant's silence in response to it all spoke volumes, but his looks were deafening, no help to the light-seeing Candela collapsing into herself in fear of death worse than that of her dream.

The end of her or any of the tiny travelers wasn't to come that day, but she wished it had from his eventual reply,

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The end of her or any of the tiny travelers wasn't to come that day, but she wished it had from his eventual reply,

"Oh, Captain, I... can't say that your thoughts sparked from our size difference are... illogical in theory, but I hope that none of them were catalyzed by anything I've said or done. I never expected to confront life when I retrieved the Conscience that day, but I don't plan on ridding myself of it - the ship or the life you all comprise in it - until you all feel confident in soaring through the stars again. Against your will, my home is now yours, too, yet to my best ability, I'll help you feel safe in it."

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