Do You Love Me Like You Said You Did?

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"Thanks again for coming to that Ed.. I know that wasn't easy for you to hear." Maddy said with a groggy voice as she kissed Eddie's chest. "And thanks for spending this week with me.. I know you miss Chris though."

"Yeah, I do.. but he's with Buck, so I'm sure he's not even thinking about me." Eddie chuckled as he kissed Maddy's temple. She cuddled in closer to him, "you know that's not true!"

"Yeah, yeah.. I know. And ya know what else I know?"


"That I love you.."

"Me too," Maddy smiled as she kissed him. "Sorry about my breath." She laughed.

"Ehh.. it's just morning breath! We all have it! Even me!" Eddie laughed.

"Oh yes, even the great Eddie Diaz gets morning breath." Maddy winked as she tried to sit up. Eddie pulled her down to him. "Is this okay?" He asked before grabbing her ass and fully pulling her on top of him.

"Yes.." Maddy breathed as she ran her fingers through his hair. Eddie grabbed a handful of her ass and slapped it.

"Move to LA with me.." he breathed into her neck, just as their passion was heating up.

Maddy sat up faster than a spring. "I'm sorry...?!"

"Move to California... with me." Eddie's eyes were slit, just barely open from tiredness, but his truthfulness was fully present.

"Ed... I can't move to California?!"

"Why not?... TK?"

"Well yes.. and Carlos, and my job... I love all of them."

"And do you love me, like you said you did?"

"I told you I do.." Maddy swallowed hard, hoping Eddie didn't notice.

"Okay then.. why can't we have something too?"

"Ed.. we do... and it's been great!"

"Has it?"

"What?" Maddy said as she sat up even further in bed— she was still trying to wrap her head around what Eddie just said.

"Aren't you tired of the long distance thing?"

"Kinda. But I still think it's going well! And I don't know if the next step is... me moving across the country, again!?"

"Why not?"

"I don't know.... Are we ready for that?!"

"I don't see why not!? I stay with you nearly every time I come visit.. we've spent weeks together before. We know how the other one lives, and how they like to keep their things.."

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